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Occupational Malaria Following Needlestick Injury




To the Editor: A 24-year-oldfemale nurse was admitted to theemergency room at Bichat UniversityHospital in Paris, France, on July 4,2001, with fever, nausea, and generalmalaise. She had no notable medicalhistory, except spontaneously regres-sive Sch.nlein-Henloch purpura at 9months of age. On admission, aftershe was given paracetamol, her axil-lary temperature was 37.6°C. She wasslightly jaundiced and reported a mildheadache but showed no resistance tohead flexion. Her abdomen wasdepressible but tender. Urinalysis didnot show hematuria or signs of uri-nary infection. Biologic tests indicat-ed normal values except the follow-ing: platelets 47.4 x 103/μL, aspartateaminotransferase 307 U/L (normalvalue <56), alanine aminotransferase239 U/L (normal value <56), totalbilirubin 58 μmol/L (normal value<24), and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase57 U/L (normal value <35). Results ofan abdominal echogram were normal.Result of a blood film to identifyPlasmodium falciparum was positivefor parasitemia at 0.038 per 100 ery-throcytes. The patient was given 500mg of oral quinine three times daily;intravenous quinine was administered15 hours after admission because shebecame nauseated. Her malaise per-sisted for 3 days, but she did not showany signs of malaria. She recoveredcompletely and was discharged onday 6 of hospitalization
机译:致编辑:2001年7月4日,一名24岁的女护士因发烧,恶心和全身不适而被送往法国巴黎比沙特大学医院的急诊室。除了9个月大时自发性Sch.nlein-Henloch紫癜,她没有明显的医学史。入院时,给予扑热息痛后,她的腋窝温度为37.6℃。她稍有黄疸,头疼轻,但对头屈曲无抵抗力。她的腹部令人沮丧,但柔软。尿液分析未显示血尿或尿路感染的迹象。生物学测试显示以下正常值:血小板47.4 x 103 /μL,天冬氨酸氨基转移酶307 U / L(正常值<56),丙氨酸氨基转移酶239 U / L(正常值<56),总胆红素58μmol/ L(正常值<24)和γ-谷氨酰转肽酶57 U / L(正常值<35)。腹部超声检查结果正常。血膜检查结果表明恶性疟原虫对寄生虫病呈阳性,每100红细胞0.038。每天3次给予患者500mg口服奎宁;入院后15小时给予静脉奎宁,因为她感到恶心。她的不适持续了三天,但没有显示出任何疟疾迹象。她完全康复并在住院的第6天出院



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