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Much have I travel’d in the realms of gold




"Know thyself" resonated with Rembrandt van Rijn. More than any other artist of his caliber at any time, he explored his own image in as many as 90 self-portraits, some 60 of them paintings, an extraordinary record of self-examination. He was so frank with his depictions he could not have been motivated by narcissism. He may have taken up portraiture for its connection to history painting, a lifelong interest. Portraits were very popular in the commercial market of his day, and his were much sought after in Holland. Whatever the motivation, his self-portraits captured much more than physical features. From youth to ripe old age they amounted to a spiritual autobiography, and since he never strayed more than a few miles from his native Leiden, the journey of discovery was an inward one
机译:伦勃朗·范·里恩(Rembrandt van Rijn)引起了共鸣。他比任何时候都更擅长于自己的才能,他在多达90种自画像中探索了自己的形象,其中包括60幅画作,这是自我检查的非凡记录。他对自己的描写很坦率,以至于不能自恋。他可能已经将肖像画与历史绘画联系起来,这是他一生的兴趣。肖像画在当时的商业市场上非常受欢迎,他的画作在荷兰倍受追捧。无论动机如何,他的自画像所捕捉的不仅仅是身体特征。从青年到成熟的老年,这相当于一部精神自传,由于他离家乡莱顿的旅程从未超过几英里,因此发现之旅是一次内向的旅程



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