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Bedbugs and Healthcare-associated Dermatitis, France




To the Editor: Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are hematophagous in-sects. Adults are 4–6 mm long, flat-tened, oval and wingless, and brown to brownish–red (Figure, panel A) (1). They may feed in the wild on birds or bats (2), but they are mainly associ-ated with human dwellings and can be found on furniture and clothing (3). Because bedbugs are nocturnal and feed painlessly only in the dark, while humans sleep, initial bedbug prolif-eration usually goes unnoticed until several weeks later when the patient discovers a pruritic cutaneous erup-tion of unknown origin (4). Decades ago, bedbugs were frequently found worldwide, but reports of cases in industrialized countries have progres-sively declined, probably the result of improved living conditions (3). They nonetheless remain a pest in less-developed countries and in the wild (5). The past 10 years have seen the revival of this insect in industrialized countries (3,6,7). Increasing reports describe isolated cases or bedbugs spreading throughout a single building (8). We report an outbreak of health-care-associated dermatitis caused by bedbugs in a hospital nursing home in Cannes, French Riviera
机译:致编辑:臭虫(Cimex lectularius)是嗜血的昆虫。成虫长4–6 mm,平坦,椭圆形,无翅,棕至棕红色(图A)(1)。它们可能以野禽或蝙蝠为食(2),但它们主要与人类居住相关,可以在家具和衣服上找到(3)。由于臭虫是夜间活动的,只有在黑暗中才能轻松进食,而人类却在睡觉,所以通常直到几周后患者发现未知来源的瘙痒性皮肤疹才注意到臭虫的初次繁殖(4)。几十年前,臭虫在世界范围内经常被发现,但是工业化国家病例的报告呈逐年下降趋势,这可能是生活条件改善的结果(3)。尽管如此,它们仍是欠发达国家和野外的一种有害生物(5)。在过去的十年中,这种昆虫在工业化国家得到了复兴(3、6、7)。越来越多的报告描述了散布在单个建筑物中的孤立病例或臭虫(8)。我们报告了法国里维埃拉戛纳一家医院疗养院中由臭虫引起的与卫生保健有关的皮炎暴发



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