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Outbreak Investigations around the World: Case Studies in Infectious Disease Field Epidemiology




Outbreak investigations are fas-cinating stories. Mark S. Dworkin, Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Class of 1994, has compiled 19 fi rst-hand accounts of case studies in in-fectious disease epidemiology and presents them in chronological order. The fi rst is Kenrad Nelson's 1964 in-vestigation of leptospirosis associated with swimming in an irrigation ditch in rural Washington; the last, Patri-cia Quinlisk's evaluation of a 2006 mumps epidemic in Iowa. In between are investigations involving 8 bacte-rial infections, 6 viruses, 1 helminth (Taenia solium), 1 protozoan (Cryp-tosporidium sp.), and a misdiagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica. Fourteen of the outbreaks occurred in the United States; of the remaining 5, one each occurred in Portugal, Israel, Egypt, Gabon, and Liberia
机译:爆发调查令人着迷。 1994年,流行病情报服务(EIS)级的Mark S. Dworkin编写了19份传染病流行病学案例研究的第一手资料,并按时间顺序排列。首先是肯拉德·纳尔逊(Kenrad Nelson)在1964年对钩端螺旋体病的调查,该钩端螺旋体病与华盛顿农村的灌溉沟里游泳有关。最后,帕特里西亚·昆利斯克(Patri-cia Quinlisk)对2006年衣阿华流行性腮腺炎的评估。在这两者之间的调查涉及8种细菌性感染,6种病毒,1种蠕虫(Ta虫),1种原生动物(隐孢子虫)以及对溶组织性变形杆菌的误诊。爆发中有14起发生在美国;其余5个中,每个分别发生在葡萄牙,以色列,埃及,加蓬和利比里亚



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