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Wild Animal Mortality Monitoring and Human Ebola Outbreaks, Gabon and Republic of Congo, 2001–2003




All human Ebola virus outbreaks during 2001–2003 inthe forest zone between Gabon and Republic of Congoresulted from handling infected wild animal carcasses. Afterthe first outbreak, we created an Animal MortalityMonitoring Network in collaboration with the Gabonese andCongolese Ministries of Forestry and Environment andwildlife organizations (Wildlife Conservation Society andProgramme de Conservation et Utilisation Rationnelle desEcosystèmes Forestiers en Afrique Centrale) to predict andpossibly prevent human Ebola outbreaks. Since August2001, 98 wild animal carcasses have been recovered bythe network, including 65 great apes. Analysis of 21 car-casses found that 10 gorillas, 3 chimpanzees, and 1 duikertested positive for Ebola virus. Wild animal outbreaksbegan before each of the 5 human Ebola outbreaks. Twicewe alerted the health authorities to an imminent risk forhuman outbreaks, weeks before they occurred
机译:加蓬和刚果(金)共和国之间森林地区在2001-2003年期间爆发的所有人类埃博拉病毒爆发均源于处理受感染的野生动物尸体。第一次疫情爆发后,我们与加蓬和林业与环境部和野生动植物保护组织(野生生物保护协会和非洲保护自然资源利用计划委员会)合作创建了一个动物死亡率监测网络,以预测并可能防止人类埃博拉病毒爆发。自2001年8月以来,该网络已回收98种野生动物尸体,其中包括65只大猿。对21个尸体进行分析后发现,有10只大猩猩,3只黑猩猩和1个杜克犬对埃博拉病毒呈阳性反应。在5例人类埃博拉疫情爆发之前都爆发了野生动物。 Twicewe提醒卫生当局,在人类爆发前几周就有人爆发的危险



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