首页> 外文期刊>Infection and immunity >Mutation of the Gene Encoding Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor Type 1 (cnf 1) Attenuates the Virulence of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

Mutation of the Gene Encoding Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor Type 1 (cnf 1) Attenuates the Virulence of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

机译:编码细胞毒性坏死因子1(cnf 1)的基因的突变减弱了致病性大肠杆菌的毒力。



Cytotoxic necrotizing factor type 1 (CNF1) is a 115-kDa toxin that activates Rho GTPases and is produced by uropathogenicEscherichia coli (UPEC). While both epidemiological studies that link CNF1 production by E. coli with urinary tract disease and the cytopathic effects of CNF1 on cultured urinary tract cells are suggestive of a role for the toxin as a UPEC virulence factor, few in vivo studies to test this possibility have been reported. Therefore, in this investigation, we evaluated the importance of CNF1 in a murine model of urinary tract infection (UTI) by comparing the degree of colonization and damage induced by three different CNF1-producing E. coli strains with isogenic CNF1-deficient derivatives. The data from single-strain challenge experiments with C3H/HeOuJ mice indicated a trend toward higher counts of the wild-type strains in the urine and bladders of these animals up to 3 days after challenge in two of three strain pairs. Furthermore, this difference was statistically significant at day 2 of infection with one strain pair, C189 and C189cnf 1. To control for the animal-to-animal variability inherent in this model, we infected C3H/HeOuJ mice with a mixture of CNF1-positive and -negative isogenic derivatives of CP9. The CNF1-positive strain was recovered in higher numbers than the CNF1-negative strain in the urine, bladders, and kidneys of the mice up to 9 days postinfection. These striking coinfection findings, taken with the trends observed in single-strain infections, led us to conclude that CNF1-negative strains were generally attenuated compared to the wild type in the C3H/HeOuJ mouse model of UTI. Furthermore, histopathological examination of bladder specimens from mice infected with CNF1-positive strains consistently showed deeper, more extensive inflammation than in those infected with the isogenic mutants. Lastly, we found that CNF1-positive strain CP9 was better able to resist killing by fresh human neutrophils than were CP9cnf 1 bacteria. From these data in aggregate, we propose that CNF1 production increases the capacity of UPEC strains to resist killing by neutrophils, which in turn permits these bacteria to gain access to deeper tissue and persist better in the lower urinary tract.
机译:1型细胞毒性坏死因子(CNF1)是一种115 kDa的毒素,能激活Rho GTPases,由尿路致病性大肠埃希氏大肠杆菌(UPEC)产生。虽然这两个流行病学研究都将 E的CNF1产生联系起来。尿路疾病的大肠埃希菌和CNF1对培养的尿路细胞的细胞病变作用提示该毒素作为UPEC毒力因子的作用,很少有体内试验报道这种可能性。因此,在这项研究中,我们通过比较三种产生CNF1的 E引起的定植程度和破坏程度,评估了CNF1在尿路感染(UTI)鼠模型中的重要性。等基因CNF1缺陷衍生物的大肠杆菌菌株。来自C3H / HeOuJ小鼠的单株攻毒实验数据表明,攻击后3天,三对毒株中的两对,这些动物的尿液和膀胱中的野生型毒株数量都有增加的趋势。此外,这种差异在感染第2天时一对C189和C189 cnf 1 菌株的差异具有统计学意义。为了控制此模型中固有的动物到动物变异性,我们用CNF1阳性和CP9阴性同基因衍生物的混合物感染了C3H / HeOuJ小鼠。直至感染后9天,在小鼠的尿液,膀胱和肾脏中,CNF1阳性菌株的回收率高于CNF1阴性菌株。这些惊人的共同感染发现与单株感染中观察到的趋势相吻合,使我们得出结论,与UTI的C3H / HeOuJ小鼠模型中的野生型相比,CNF1阴性株通常被减毒。此外,与被等基因突变体感染的小鼠相比,来自被CNF1阳性菌株感染的小鼠的膀胱标本的组织病理学检查始终显示出更深,更广泛的炎症。最后,我们发现CNF1阳性菌株CP9比CP9 cnf 1 细菌更能抵抗新鲜的人类嗜中性粒细胞的杀伤。根据这些数据,我们认为CNF1的产生增加了UPEC菌株抵抗中性粒细胞杀伤的能力,这反过来又使这些细菌能够进入更深的组织,并在下尿路更好地持久。



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