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The Kepler-11 system: evolution of the stellar high-energy emission and initial planetary atmospheric mass fractions




The atmospheres of close-in planets are strongly influenced by mass loss driven by the high-energy (X-ray and extreme ultraviolet, EUV) irradiation of the host star, particularly during the early stages of evolution. We recently developed a framework to exploit this connection and enable us to recover the past evolution of the stellar high-energy emission from the present-day properties of its planets, if the latter retain some remnants of their primordial hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. Furthermore, the framework can also provide constraints on planetary initial atmospheric mass fractions. The constraints on the output parameters improve when more planets can be simultaneously analysed. This makes the Kepler-11 system, which hosts six planets with bulk densities between 0.66 and 2.45 g cm~(?3), an ideal target. Our results indicate that the star has likely evolved as a slow rotator (slower than 85% of the stars with similar masses), corresponding to a high-energy emission at 150 Myr of between 1 and 10 times that of the current Sun. We also constrain the initial atmospheric mass fractions for the planets, obtaining a lower limit of 4.1% for planet c, a range of 3.7–5.3% for planet d, a range of 11.1–14% for planet e, a range of 1–15.6% for planet f, and a range of 4.7–8.7% for planet g assuming a disc dispersal time of 1 Myr. For planet b, the range remains poorly constrained. Our framework also suggests slightly higher masses for planets b, c, and f than have been suggested based on transit timing variation measurements. We coupled our results with published planet atmosphere accretion models to obtain a temperature (at 0.25 AU, the location of planet f) and dispersal time of the protoplanetary disc of 550 K and 1 Myr, although these results may be affected by inconsistencies in the adopted system parameters. This work shows that our framework is capable of constraining important properties of planet formation models.
机译:近距离行星的大气层受主恒星的高能(X射线和极紫外,EUV)辐射驱动的质量损失的强烈影响,特别是在演化的早期阶段。我们最近开发了一个框架,以利用这种联系,并使我们能够从行星的当前属性中恢复恒星高能发射的过去演变,如果后者保留了其原始氢为主的大气的某些残留物。此外,该框架还可以限制行星的初始大气质量分数。当可以同时分析更多的行星时,对输出参数的约束会改善。这使得开普勒11系统成为理想的目标,该系统拥有6个体积密度在0.66至2.45 g cm〜(?3)之间的行星。我们的结果表明,恒星可能已经演化为慢速旋转器(质量相似的恒星,速度低于85%),相当于150 Myr的高能发射是当前太阳的1到10倍。我们还限制了行星的初始大气质量分数,使行星c的下限为4.1%,行星d的下限为3.7–5.3%,行星e的下限为11.1–14%,范围为1–假设圆盘散布时间为1 Myr,f行星为15.6%,g行星为4.7-8.7%。对于行星b,射程仍然受限制。我们的框架还建议行星b,c和f的质量略高于根据过渡时间变化量度所建议的质量。我们将结果与已发布的行星大气积聚模型相结合,获得了温度(在0.25 AU,f的位置)和550 K和1 Myr的原行星盘的扩散时间,尽管这些结果可能会受到采用的不一致的影响。系统参数。这项工作表明我们的框架能够约束行星形成模型的重要属性。



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