首页> 外文期刊>Astronomy and astrophysics >The historical 1900 and 1913 outbursts of the binary blazar candidate OJ287

The historical 1900 and 1913 outbursts of the binary blazar candidate OJ287




We report on historical optical outbursts in the OJ287 system in 1900 and 1913, detected on archival astronomical plates of the Harvard College Observatory. The 1900 outburst is reported for the first time. The first recorded outburst of the periodically active quasar OJ287 described before was observed in 1913. Up to now the information on this event was based on three points from plate archives. We used the Harvard plate collection, and added another seven observations to the light curve. The light curve is now well covered and allows one to determine the beginning of the outburst quite accurately. The outburst was longer and more energetic than the standard 1983 outburst. Should the system be strictly periodic, the period determined from these two outbursts would be 11.665 yr. However, this does not match the 1900 outburst or other prominent outbursts in the record. On the other hand, the precessing binary black hole model of Lehto and Valtonen (1996) can explain these and other known outbursts in OJ287. Finally, we discuss the upper limits for the expected 1906 outburst and the 1910 outburst, which was observed.
机译:我们报告了1900年和1913年在OJ287系统中发生的历史性光学爆发,这些历史发生在哈佛大学天文台的档案天文板上。 1900年首次爆发。 1913年观察到第一次记录到的周期性活动类星体OJ287的首次爆发。到目前为止,该事件的信息是基于板块档案中的三点得出的。我们使用了哈佛板块集合,并在光曲线上添加了另外七个观测值。现在,光曲线被很好地覆盖了,可以使人们非常准确地确定爆发的开始。与1983年的标准爆发相比,爆发时间更长且更活跃。如果该系统严格地是周期性的,则由这两次爆发确定的时间段将是11.665年。但是,这与记录中的1900年爆发或其他突出爆发不匹配。另一方面,Lehto和Valtonen(1996)的进动二进黑洞模型可以解释OJ287中的这些和其他已知的爆发。最后,我们讨论了预期的1906年和1910年爆发的上限。



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