首页> 外文期刊>Astronomy and astrophysics >Radial distribution of the multiple stellar populations in $mathsf{omega}$ Centauri

Radial distribution of the multiple stellar populations in $mathsf{omega}$ Centauri

机译:$ mathsf { omega} $ Centauri中多个恒星种群的径向分布



Aims. We present a detailed study of the radialdistribution of the multiple populations identified in the Galacticglobular clusterCen.Methods. We used both space-based images (ACS/WFCand WFPC2) and ground-based images (FORS1@VLT and WFI@2.2m ESOtelescopes) to map the cluster from the inner core to the outskirts (20arcmin).These data sets have been used to extract high-accuracy photometry forthe construction of color-magnitude diagrams and astrometric positionsof stars. Results. We find that in the inner 2 core radiithe blue main sequence (bMS) stars slightly dominate the red mainsequence (rMS) in number. Atgreater distances from thecluster center, the relative numbers of bMSstars with respectto rMSdrop steeply, out to 8arcmin, and thenremain constant out to the limit of our observations. We also find thatthe dispersion of the Gaussian that best fits the color distributionwithin the bMS is significantly greater than the dispersion of theGaussian that best fits the color distribution within the rMS. Inaddition, the relative number of intermediate-metallicityred-giant-branch stars (which includes the progeny of the bMS) withrespect to the metal-poor component (theprogeny of the rMS)follows a trend similar to that of the main-sequence star-countratio.The most metal-rich component of the red-giant branch follows the samedistribution as the intermediate-metallicity component. Conclusions. We briefly discuss the possibleimplications of the observed radial distribution of the differentstellar components inCen. Key words: globular clusters: general -globular clusters: individual: Cen [NGC5139] - stars: evolution - stars:populationII - techniques: photometric
机译:目的我们对银球状星团Cen.Methods中识别的多个群体的径向分布进行了详细研究。我们使用了基于空间的图像(ACS / WFC和WFPC2)和基于地面的图像(FORS1 @ VLT和WFI@2.2m ESOtelescopes)将群集从内芯映射到郊区(20arcmin),这些数据集已被使用。提取高精度光度法,用于构建星等的色度图和天文位置。结果。我们发现,在内部2个核心半径中,蓝色主序列(bMS)的星数在红色主序列(rMS)中稍占优势。与集群中心的距离越大,相对于rMS的bMSstar的相对数量就急剧下降,下降到8arcmin,然后保持恒定直到我们的观察极限。我们还发现,最适合bMS中颜色分布的高斯色散明显大于最适合rMS中颜色分布的高斯色散。此外,中等金属性红巨星分支星(包括bMS的后代)相对于金属贫乏成分(rMS的后代)的相对数量遵循的趋势与主序星计数的相似红巨人分支中最富金属的成分与中等金属成分具有相同的分布。结论。我们简要讨论了在Cen中观测到的不同恒星分量的径向分布的可能含义。关键词:球状星团:通用-球状星团:个人:Cen [NGC5139]-恒星:进化-恒星:人口II-技术:光度



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