首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Noninvasive Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial Growth in Porous Media under Unsaturated-Flow Conditions

Noninvasive Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial Growth in Porous Media under Unsaturated-Flow Conditions




Glucose-dependent growth of the luxCDABE reporter bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44 was monitored noninvasively in quartz sand under unsaturated-flow conditions within a 45- by 56- by 1-cm two-dimensional light transmission chamber. The spatial and temporal development of growth were mapped daily over 7 days by quantifying salicylate-induced bioluminescence. A nonlinear model relating the rate of increase in light emission after salicylate exposure to microbial density successfully predicted growth over 4 orders of magnitude (r2 = 0.95). Total model-predicted growth agreed with growth calculated from the mass balance of the system by using previously established growth parameters of HK44 (predicted, 1.2 × 1012 cells; calculated, 1.7 × 1012 cells). Colonization expanded in all directions from the inoculation region, including upward migration against the liquid flow. Both the daily rate of expansion of the colonized zone and the population density of the first day's growth in each newly colonized region remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. Nonetheless, substantial growth continued to occur on subsequent days in the older regions of the colonized zone. The proportion of daily potential growth that remained within the chamber declined progressively between days 2 and 7 (from 97 to 13%). A densely populated, anoxic region developed in the interior of the colonized zone even though the sand was unsaturated and fresh growth medium continued to flow through the colonized zone. These data illustrate the potential of a light transmission chamber, bioluminescent bacteria, and sensitive digital camera technology to noninvasively study real-time hydrology-microbiology interactions associated with unsaturated flow in porous media.
机译:在不饱和流条件下,在45 x 56 x 1 cm二维光传输室中,在石英砂中无创地监测luxCDABE报告菌荧光假单胞菌HK44的葡萄糖依赖性生长。通过量化水杨酸酯诱导的生物发光,每天绘制生长的时空分布图,历时7天。水杨酸酯暴露于微生物密度后,与发光速率相关的非线性模型成功预测了4个数量级以上的增长(r2 = 0.95)。通过使用先前建立的HK44生长参数(预测的1.2×1012个单元格;计算的1.7×1012个单元格),模型预测的总增长与从系统的质量平衡计算出的增长一致。菌落从接种区域向各个方向扩展,包括逆着液流向上迁移。在整个实验过程中,每个新定居区域的定居区日增长率和第一天生长的种群密度都保持相对恒定。但是,在随后的几天里,殖民地带的较老区域继续出现实质性增长。在第2天到第7天之间,保留在室内的每日潜在生长的比例逐渐下降(从97%降至13%)。即使沙子不饱和,新鲜的生长培养基仍继续流过殖民地区域,但在殖民地区域的内部仍形成了人口稠密的缺氧区域。这些数据说明了光传输室,生物发光细菌和灵敏的数码相机技术在无创研究与多孔介质中非饱和流相关的实时水文-微生物相互作用方面的潜力。



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