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Determining Diversity of Freshwater Fungi on Decaying Leaves: Comparison of Traditional and Molecular Approaches




Traditional microscope-based estimates of species richness of aquatic hyphomycetes depend upon the ability of the species in the community to sporulate. Molecular techniques which detect DNA from all stages of the life cycle could potentially circumvent the problems associated with traditional methods. Leaf disks from red maple, alder, linden, beech, and oak as well as birch wood sticks were submerged in a stream in southeastern Canada for 7, 14, and 28 days. Fungal biomass, estimated by the amount of ergosterol present, increased with time on all substrates. Alder, linden, and maple leaves were colonized earlier and accumulated the highest fungal biomass. Counts and identifications of released conidia suggested that fungal species richness increased, while community evenness decreased, with time (up to 11 species on day 28). Conidia of Articulospora tetracladia dominated. Modifications of two molecular methods—denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis—suggested that both species richness and community evenness decreased with time. The dominant ribotype matched that of A. tetracladia. Species richness estimates based on DGGE were consistently higher than those based on T-RFLP analysis and exceeded those based on spore identification on days 7 and 14. Since traditional and molecular techniques assess different aspects of the fungal organism, both are essential for a balanced view of fungal succession on leaves decaying in streams.
机译:传统的基于显微镜的水生丝菌物种丰富度估计取决于群落中物种形成孢子的能力。检测生命周期各个阶段的DNA的分子技术可能会避开与传统方法相关的问题。来自加拿大红枫,al木,菩提树,山毛榉和橡树的叶子盘以及桦木棍被淹没在加拿大东南部的溪流中,持续了7、14和28天。通过麦角固醇存在量估算的真菌生物量在所有底物上均随时间增加。 der木,菩提树和枫树叶片较早定植,并积累了最高的真菌生物量。计数和鉴定释放的分生孢子表明,随着时间的推移,真菌物种的丰富度增加,而社区均匀度下降(在第28天多达11种)。分枝孢子菌的分生孢子占优势。变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)分析这两种分子方法的修改建议,物种丰富度和群落均匀度均随时间降低。优势核糖型匹配四面体。基于DGGE的物种丰富度估计值始终高于基于T-RFLP分析的物种丰富度估计值,并且在第7天和第14天超过了基于孢子鉴定的估计。在溪流中腐烂的叶子上的真菌演替



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