首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Interactions between motile Escherichia coli and glass in media with various ionic strengths, as observed with a three-dimensional-tracking microscope.

Interactions between motile Escherichia coli and glass in media with various ionic strengths, as observed with a three-dimensional-tracking microscope.




Escherichia coli bacteria have been observed to swim along a glass surface for several minutes at a time. Settling velocities of nonmotile cells and a computer simulation of motile cells confirmed that an attractive force kept the bacteria near the surface. The goal of this study was to evaluate whether this attractive force could be explained by reversible adhesion of E. coli to the surface in the secondary energy minimum, according to the theory of Derjaguin, Landan, Verwey, and Overbeek (DLVO theory). This theory describes interactions between colloidal particles by combining attractive van der Waals forces with repulsive electrostatic forces. A three-dimensional-tracking microscope was used to follow both wild-type and smooth-swimming E. coli bacteria as they interacted with a glass coverslip in media of increasing ionic strengths, which corresponded to increasing depths of the secondary energy minimum. We found no quantifiable changes with ionic strength for either the tendencies of individual bacteria to approach the surface or the overall times bacteria spent near the surface. One change in bacterial behavior which was observed with the change in ionic strength was that the diameters of the circles which the smooth-swimming bacteria traced out on the glass increased in low-ionic-strength solution.



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