首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Analysis of antigens present in the extracellular products and cell surface of Vibrio anguillarum serotypes O1, O2, and O3.

Analysis of antigens present in the extracellular products and cell surface of Vibrio anguillarum serotypes O1, O2, and O3.




Antigens present in the extracellular products (ECP) and cell walls of strains of Vibrio anguillarum of serotypes O1, O2, and O3 isolated from different fish species in distinct geographic areas were characterized. The usefulness of slide agglutination, dot blot assay, and quantitative agglutination for subtyping V. anguillarum serovars was also evaluated. The three serological assays used to establish the serogroups within V. anguillarum isolates demonstrated that serotype O1 constitutes a homogeneous group, whereas within serotypes O2 and O3, two different patterns of serological reactions were detected. Among the three serological methods used, only dot blot and quantitative agglutination assays differentiated subgroups within serotypes O2 and O3 with unabsorbed sera. Electrophoretic analysis and immunoblot assays of cell envelope and ECP components showed that strains belonging to serotype O1 possessed immunologically related lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and proteins, while V. anguillarum isolates grouped in serotypes O2 and O3 exhibited internal heterogeneity in their LPS and protein banding patterns. On the other hand, although the LPS present in the ECP and those obtained from cell envelopes of V. anguillarum strains showed apparently different gel patterns, a strong relationship between both types of LPS was seen by immunoblot assay. From these results, it can be concluded that V. anguillarum strains representative of each of the antigenic groups (O1, O2 alpha, O2 beta, O3A, and O3B) and their ECPs should be included in the formulation of vaccines against vibriosis in areas where the three serotypes coexist.
机译:对在不同地理区域分离自不同鱼类的血清型O1,O2和O3的弧菌弧菌菌株的细胞外产物(ECP)和细胞壁中存在的抗原进行了表征。还评估了载玻片凝集,斑点印迹分析和定量凝集用于亚型弓形虫血清型亚型的有用性。用于在鳗弧菌分离物中建立血清群的三种血清学检测方法表明,血清型O1构成一个同质基团,而在血清型O2和O3中,检测到两种不同的血清学反应模式。在使用的三种血清学方法中,只有斑点印迹法和定量凝集测定法可区分血清型O2和O3中未吸收血清的亚组。电泳分析和细胞包膜和ECP成分的免疫印迹分析表明,属于O1型血清型的菌株具有免疫学相关的脂多糖(LPS)和蛋白质,而按O2和O3型血清型分类的鳗弧菌分离株在LPS和蛋白条带模式上表现出内部异质性。另一方面,尽管ECP中存在的LPS和从鳗弧菌菌株的细胞膜中获得的LPS表现出明显不同的凝胶模式,但通过免疫印迹分析发现两种类型的LPS之间都有很强的关系。从这些结果可以得出结论,在每个地区的抗弧菌病疫苗制剂中应包括代表每个抗原基团(O1,O2 alpha,O2 beta,O3A和O3B)的E. anguillarum菌株。这三种血清型并存。



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