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Presence of a Vanadium Nitrogenase in Azotobacter paspali




There have been no previous studies on the genetics of Azotobacter paspali, an aerobic bacterium which forms a highly specific diazotrophic association with Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum). We constructed A. paspali strains defective in the molybdenum nitrogenase so that alternative N2ases could be studied. The cosmid vector pTBE and genomic DNA fragments (~50 kb) of A. paspali ATCC 23367 were used to construct a gene library in Escherichia coli. Recombinant cosmids containing sequences homologous to molybdenum nitrogenase nifDK structural genes were identified by hybridization. A 2.9-kb fragment bearing the putative nifDK genes of A. paspali was subcloned and mutagenized in vitro by the insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene cassette. The mutation was recombined into the chromosome of A. paspali with the suicide vector pCU101. One resultant mutant strain, AP2, was incapable of diazotrophic growth in a molybdenum-containing medium (Nif-) without vanadium but grew well in a molybdenum-deficient medium with vanadium. The nitrogenase system in AP2 reduced acetylene to ethylene and produced ethane as 2.4% of the total products. Molybdenum levels as low as 10 nM prevented the diazotrophic growth of AP2, even in the presence of vanadium at levels up to 10 μM. These results are consistent with the existence of a vanadium nitrogenase system in A. paspali.
机译:以前没有关于Pazali Azotobacter遗传学的研究,Azotobacter paspali是一种好氧细菌,它与巴伊亚草(Paspalum notatum)形成高度特异性的重氮营养性缔合。我们构建了钼氮酶中有缺陷的A. paspali菌株,以便可以研究其他N2ase。粘粒载体pTBE和p。paspali ATCC 23367的基因组DNA片段(〜50 kb)用于构建大肠杆菌基因库。通过杂交鉴定含有与钼固氮酶nifDK结构基因同源的序列的重组粘粒。通过插入卡那霉素抗性基因盒,在体外亚克隆并诱变了带有假单胞菌假定的nifDK基因的2.9-kb片段。用自杀载体pCU101将突变重组到asp.ali的染色体中。一种所得的突变株AP2在不含钒的含钼培养基(Nif-)中不能重氮营养生长,但在含钒的缺钼培养基中生长良好。 AP2中的固氮酶系统将乙炔还原为乙烯,并生成乙烷,占总产品的2.4%。钼的含量低至10 nM,即使在钒的含量高达10μM的情况下,也阻止了AP2的重氮生长。这些结果与桦木中钒氮酶系统的存在是一致的。



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