首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Prevention of acute deaths in mice after very high dose cyclophosphamide by divided dose schedule

Prevention of acute deaths in mice after very high dose cyclophosphamide by divided dose schedule




Very high dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) (500-600 mg kg-1) given by single bolus i.p. injection in mice caused acute deaths in all animals within 48 h of treatment (0/10 survivors). These acute deaths were abolished or very significantly reduced if Cy was administered in divided dosage over 8 h (10/10 survivors) or 12 h (14/15 survivors). The effect was maintained at doses of up to 600 mg kg-1 administered in divided dosage over 24 h (15/15 survivors). In 2 human small cell carcinoma xenografts anti-tumour efficacy was not diminished by divided dosage. In both xenografts tumour growth delay was enhanced, although not significantly so, when treated with divided dosage compared with single dose, and in one of the xenografts 3 complete remissions were achieved with divided dosage compared with none after single dosage. It is postulated that the underlying mechanism concerns diminished cardiotoxicity. These results may have significance in clinical studies investigating very high dose Cy.
机译:单次推注腹腔给予高剂量的环磷酰胺(Cy)(500-600 mg kg-1)。小鼠注射后在处理后48小时内导致所有动物急性死亡(0/10个幸存者)。如果在8小时(10/10个幸存者)或12小时(14/15个幸存者)中分次服用Cy,这些急性死亡将被废除或大大减少。在长达24小时内(分15/15个幸存者),以分剂量服用的最大剂量为600 mg kg-1的剂量维持了该作用。在2个人小细胞癌异种移植物中,抗肿瘤功效并未因分次剂量而降低。在两种异种移植物中,肿瘤生长延迟均得到了增强,尽管没有显着提高,但与单剂相比用分剂量进行治疗时,异种移植物中的一种获得了3种完全缓解。据推测,其潜在机制涉及降低的心脏毒性。这些结果在研究非常高剂量Cy的临床研究中可能具有重要意义。



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