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Running on a high: parkrun and personal well-being




Sporting or physical recreation event participation can affect different domains of mental and social well-being if sufficiently frequent, yet previous research has focused mainly on the physical health benefits of single-location or infrequent mass-participation events. We examined overall and domain specific subjective well-being of adult participants of “parkrun”, a weekly, community-based, highly accessible and widespread running event. Data were from a national online survey of 865 adult Australian parkrunners. Scores on nine individual measures and the global Personal Well-being Index (PWI) were compared to national, normative data. Regression models tested associations between personal well-being and perceived benefits of parkrun (mental health and connection to community). Of 100 scores, 28% of means for parkrunners fell outside overall and age and gender subgroups normative ranges. Satisfaction with health was higher for male, those aged over 45 and overall parkrunners; only parkrunners aged 18–24 fell below their age group norm. Satisfaction with life as a whole was positively associated with perceived mental health benefits of parkrun, but not perceived community connection for women, and neither measure for men. PWI was positively associated with perceived community connection for men and with mental health benefit for women. Australian parkrunners mostly reflect the general population on personal well-being, except report superior satisfaction with physical health. Women’s personal well-being may benefit from parkrun through improved mental health and men’s from community connectedness. parkrun may facilitate positive expression of identity and continuation of healthy habits among athletes, and non-demanding, health enhancing activity and social interaction for non-athletes.
机译:如果参加运动或体育休闲活动足够频繁,则会影响精神和社会福祉的不同领域,但是先前的研究主要集中在单地点或很少参与的活动对身体健康的好处上。我们研究了“ parkrun”成年参与者的总体和特定领域的主观幸福感,这是每周一次,基于社区的,高度可访问且广泛运行的活动。数据来自对865位澳大利亚成年游园者的全国在线调查。将九项个人衡量指标和全球个人福祉指数(PWI)的得分与国家标准数据进行了比较。回归模型测试了个人幸福感与跑步乐趣的感知收益(心理健康和与社区的联系)之间的关联。在100分中,有28%的跑腿者落在总体,年龄和性别分组的规范范围之外。男性,45岁以上的老年人和总体上的跑步者对健康的满意度更高;只有年龄在18至24岁之间的跑步者低于其年龄组标准。整体上对生活的满意度与感觉到的跑步乐趣对心理健康有正相关关系,但对女性的社区联系并没有对男性的衡量指标。 PWI与男性对社区的感知联系以及对女性的心理健康有益。除了对身体健康的满意程度外,澳大利亚的跑者大多反映了总体人口的个人福祉。改善心理健康可以使跑得快的女人受益,而与社区的联系则可以使男人的私生活得到好处。 parkrun可以促进运动员身份的积极表达和健康习惯的延续,以及非运动员的非需求性,健康促进活动和社交互动。



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