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Women's views on consent, counseling and confidentiality in PMTCT: a mixed-methods study in four African countries




Background Ambitious UN goals to reduce the mother-to-child transmission of HIV have not been met in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper focuses on the quality of information provision and counseling and disclosure patterns in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda to identify how services can be improved to enable better PMTCT outcomes. Methods Our mixed-methods study draws on data obtained through: (1) the MATCH (Multi-country African Testing and Counseling for HIV) study's main survey, conducted in 2008-09 among clients (N = 408) and providers at health facilities offering HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) services; 2) semi-structured interviews with a sub-set of 63 HIV-positive women on their experiences of stigma, disclosure, post-test counseling and access to follow-up psycho-social support; (3) in-depth interviews with key informants and PMTCT healthcare workers; and (4) document study of national PMTCT policies and guidelines. We quantitatively examined differences in the quality of counseling by country and by HIV status using Fisher's exact tests. Results The majority of pregnant women attending antenatal care (80-90%) report that they were explained the meaning of the tests, explained how HIV can be transmitted, given advice on prevention, encouraged to refer their partners for testing, and given time to ask questions. Our qualitative findings reveal that some women found testing regimes to be coercive, while disclosure remains highly problematic. 79% of HIV-positive pregnant women reported that they generally keep their status secret; only 37% had disclosed to their husband. Conclusion To achieve better PMTCT outcomes, the strategy of testing women in antenatal care (perceived as an exclusively female domain) when they are already pregnant needs to be rethought. When scaling up HIV testing programs, it is particularly important that issues of partner disclosure are taken seriously.
机译:背景技术在撒哈拉以南非洲的大部分地区,尚未实现联合国减少艾滋病毒母婴传播的宏伟目标。本文着重于布基纳法索,肯尼亚,马拉维和乌干达的信息提供质量以及咨询和披露模式,以确定如何改善服务以实现更好的PMTCT成果。方法我们的混合方法研究借鉴了通过以下方法获得的数据:(1)MATCH(非洲多国艾滋病毒检测和咨询)研究的主要调查于2008-09年在客户(N = 408)和医疗机构提供者中进行艾滋病毒检测和咨询服务; 2)对63名HIV阳性女性亚组进行半结构化访谈,以了解她们的污名,披露,测试后咨询以及获得后续心理社会支持的经验; (3)与关键线人和PMTCT医护人员进行深入访谈; (4)记录有关国家PMTCT政策和指南的研究。我们使用费舍尔的精确检验对按国家和艾滋病毒状况划分的咨询质量进行了定量检查。结果大多数参加产前保健的孕妇(80-90%)报告说,他们对检测的含义进行了解释,解释了如何传播艾滋病毒,提供了预防建议,并鼓励其伴侣进行检测,并花了一些时间进行检查。问问题。我们的定性研究结果表明,一些妇女发现测试制度具有强制性,而披露仍然存在很大问题。 79%的HIV阳性孕妇报告说,他们通常保持身分保密;只有37%的人向丈夫披露过信息。结论为了获得更好的PMTCT结果,需要重新考虑在已怀孕的妇女中进行产前检查(仅作为女性)的测试策略。在扩大艾滋病毒检测计划时,认真对待合作伙伴披露问题尤为重要。



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