首页> 外文期刊>BMC Public Health >Evaluation of an early detection tool for social-emotional and behavioral problems in toddlers: The Brief Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment - A cluster randomized trial

Evaluation of an early detection tool for social-emotional and behavioral problems in toddlers: The Brief Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment - A cluster randomized trial




Background The prevalence of social-emotional and behavioral problems is estimated to be 8 to 9% among preschool children. Effective early detection tools are needed to promote the provision of adequate care at an early stage. The Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) was developed for this purpose. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the BITSEA to enhance social-emotional and behavioral health of preschool children. Methods and Design A cluster randomized controlled trial is set up in youth health care centers in the larger Rotterdam area in the Netherlands, to evaluate the BITSEA. The 31 youth health care centers are randomly allocated to either the control group or the intervention group. The intervention group uses the scores on the BITSEA and cut-off points to evaluate a child's social-emotional and behavioral health and to decide whether or not the child should be referred. The control group provides care as usual, which involves administering a questionnaire that structures the conversation between child health professionals and parents. At a one year follow-up measurement the social-emotional and behavioral health of all children included in the study population will be evaluated. Discussion It is hypothesized that better results will be found, in terms of social-emotional and behavioral health in the intervention group, compared to the control group, due to more adequate early detection, referral and more appropriate and timely care. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials NTR2035
机译:背景据估计,学龄前儿童中社会情感和行为问题的患病率为8%至9%。需要有效的早期检测工具以促进在早期阶段提供适当的护理。为此目的,开发了婴幼儿社会和情感简要评估(BITSEA)。这项研究评估了BITSEA增强学龄前儿童的社会情感和行为健康的有效性。方法和设计在荷兰较大的鹿特丹地区的青年保健中心中建立了一项集群随机对照试验,以评估BITSEA。 31个青年保健中心被随机分配到对照组或干预组。干预小组使用BITSEA上的分数和临界点来评估儿童的社会情感和行为健康状况,并决定是否应转诊该儿童。对照组照常提供照料,其中涉及管理调查表,以构成儿童保健专业人员与父母之间的对话。在为期一年的跟踪测量中,将评估研究人群中所有儿童的社会情感和行为健康状况。讨论假设,与对照组相比,干预组的社会情感和行为健康状况会比对照组更好,这是由于早期检查,转诊以及适当和及时的护理更为充分。试用注册电流对照试验NTR2035



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