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Objectively measured physical activity patterns, sedentary time and parent-reported screen-time across the day in four-year-old Swedish children




Background Physical activity (PA) improves health outcomes accumulating evidence suggests that sedentary time (ST), especially parent-reported screen-time, is associated with negative health outcomes in children. The aim of the present study is to describe levels and patterns of PA and ST across the day and week and activity pattern differences between the sexes, across all weekdays and time spent in and outside the preschool in four-year old children. Methods In total 899 four-year old Swedish children who had both complete questionnaire data on screen-time behaviors and objective activity variables and at least 4 days, including one weekend day, with more than 10?h of GT3X+ Actigraph accelerometer wear time data were included in the study. Patterns of PA and ST across the day and week and differences between sexes, weekdays vs. weekend days and time in preschool vs. time spent outside preschool were assessed. Results Children engaged in 150?min (SD 73) and 102?min (SD 60) of screen-time on weekend days and weekdays, with 97% and 86% of children exceeding the 1 h guideline for screen-time on weekend days and weekdays, respectively. Accelerometer data showed that boys are more active and less sedentary compared with girls and both sexes were more active and less sedentary on weekdays compared with weekend days, while parent-reported data showed that boys engage in more screen-time compared with girls. Children accumulated 24.8?min (SD. 19) MVPA during preschool time and 26.6?min (SD. 16) outside preschool hours on weekdays, compared with 22.4?min (SD. 18) MVPA during preschool time and 25.3?min (SD. 22) outside preschool hours on weekend days. Conclusions Four-year old Swedish children display different activity patterns across the day on weekdays compared to weekend days, with preschool hours during weekdays being the most active segments and preschool hours during weekend days being the least active segments of the day.
机译:背景进行体育锻炼(PA)可以改善健康状况。越来越多的证据表明,久坐时间(ST),尤其是父母报告的筛查时间与儿童的负面健康状况有关。本研究的目的是描述全日工作日中PA和ST的水平和模式以及两周之间男女之间的活动模式差异,以及四岁儿童在学前和校外花费的时间。方法共有899名四岁瑞典儿童,他们均具有关于筛查时间行为和客观活动变量的完整问卷数据,并且至少有4天(包括一个周末),并且GT10X + Actigraph加速度计的磨损时间超过10?h。包括在研究中。评估一天和一周中PA和ST的模式,以及性别,工作日与周末之间的差异以及学龄前时间与学龄前以外的时间之间的差异。结果儿童在周末和工作日的放映时间为150分钟(SD 73)和102分钟(SD 60),其中97%和86%的儿童在周末和放映时间超过了1小时的放映时间准则。平日分别。加速度计数据显示,与女孩相比,男孩比女孩更活跃,久坐不动,而与工作日相比,男女在工作日都更加活跃和久坐不动,而父母报告的数据表明,男孩比女孩更活跃在屏幕上。儿童在学龄前时间累积24.8分钟(标准偏差19)的MVPA,在工作日以外的工作时间累积26.6分(标准差16)的标准,而学龄前时间为22.4分钟(标准差18)的MVPA和25.3分钟(标准差)。 22)在周末的学前班时间以外。结论与周日相比,四岁瑞典儿童在工作日全天表现出不同的活动方式,其中工作日的学前时间是最活跃的时段,而周末的学​​龄前时间是一天中最不活跃的时段。



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