首页> 外文期刊>BMC Public Health >Raising cigarette excise tax to reduce consumption in low-and middle-income countries of the Asia-Pacific region:a simulation of the anticipated health and taxation revenues impacts

Raising cigarette excise tax to reduce consumption in low-and middle-income countries of the Asia-Pacific region:a simulation of the anticipated health and taxation revenues impacts




According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of the world’s smokers live in low- and middle-income countries. Moreover, more than half of the world’s smoking-addicted population resides in the Asia-Pacific region. The reduction of tobacco consumption has thus become one of the major social policies in the region. This study investigates the effects of price increases on cigarette consumption, tobacco tax revenues and reduction in smoking-caused mortality in 22 low-income as well as middle-income countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Using panel data from the 1999–2015 Euromonitor International, the World Bank and the World Health Organization, we applied fixed effects regression models of panel data to estimate the elasticity of cigarette prices and to simulate the effect of price fluctuations. Cigarette price elasticity was the highest for countries with a per capita Gross National Income (GNI) above US$6000 (China and Malaysia), and considerably higher for other economies in the region. The administered simulation shows that with an average annual cigarette price increase of 9.51%, the average annual cigarette consumption would decrease by 3.56%, and the average annual tobacco tax revenue would increase by 16.20%. The number of averted smoking-attributable deaths (SADs) would be the highest in China, followed by Indonesia and India. In total, over 17.96 million lives could be saved by tax increases. Excise tax increases have a significant effect on the reduction of smoking prevalence and the number of averted smoking-attributable deaths. Middle- and upper-middle income countries would be most affected by high-taxation policies.
机译:根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,世界上80%的吸烟者生活在低收入和中等收入国家。此外,全世界有一半以上的吸烟成瘾者居住在亚太地区。因此,减少烟草消费已成为该地区的主要社会政策之一。这项研究调查了亚太地区22个低收入和中等收入国家的价格上涨对卷烟消费,烟草税收和降低吸烟引起的死亡率的影响。我们使用1999-2015年Euromonitor International,世界银行和世界卫生组织的面板数据,使用面板数据的固定效应回归模型来估计卷烟价格的弹性并模拟价格波动的影响。在人均国民总收入(GNI)超过6000美元的国家(中国和马来西亚),卷烟价格弹性最高,而该地区其他经济体的卷烟价格弹性最高。进行的模拟显示,如果香烟年均价格上涨9.51%,则香烟年均消费量将减少3.56%,而烟草年均税收收入将增加16.20%。避免的吸烟引起的死亡(SAD)数量在中国将是最高的,其次是印度尼西亚和印度。税收的增加总共可以挽救1796万条生命。消费税的增加对减少吸烟率和避免吸烟引起的死亡人数有重大影响。中高收入国家将最受高税收政策的影响。



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