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Sometimes More is Too Much: A Rejoinder to the Commentaries on Greiff et al. (2015)

机译:有时更多的东西太多了:格里夫(Greiff)等人评论的回卷。 (2015年)



In this rejoinder, we respond to two commentaries on the study by Greiff, S.; Stadler, M.; Sonnleitner, P.; Wolff, C.; Martin, R. Sometimes less is more: Comparing the validity of complex problem solving measures. Intelligence 2015 , 50 , 100–113. The study was the first to address the important comparison between a classical measure of complex problem solving (CPS) and the more recent multiple complex systems (MCS) approach regarding their validity. In the study, we investigated the relations between one classical microworld as the initially developed method (here, the Tailorshop) with three more recently developed multiple complex systems (MCS; here, MicroDYN, Genetics Lab, and MicroFIN) tests. We found that the MCS tests showed higher levels of convergent validity with each other than with the Tailorshop even after reasoning was controlled for, thus empirically distinguishing between the two approaches. The commentary by Kretzschmar and the commentary by Funke, Fischer, and Holt expressed several concerns with how our study was conducted, our data was analyzed, and our results were interpreted. Whereas we acknowledge and agree with some of the more general statements made in these commentaries, we respectfully disagree with others, or we consider them to be at least partially in contrast with the existing literature and the currently available empirical evidence.
机译:在本文的第二部分,我们对Greiff,S.的两项评论做出回应。斯塔德勒,M。 Sonnleitner,P .;沃尔夫(C.)马丁,R。有时少即是多:比较复杂的问题解决措施的有效性。情报,2015,50,100-113。该研究是第一个针对经典复杂问题解决方法(CPS)与最新的多重复杂系统(MCS)方法之间有效性进行重要比较的研究。在这项研究中,我们调查了作为最初开发的方法的一个经典微观世界(此处为Tailorshop)与最近开发的三个复杂系统(MCS;此处为MicroDYN,Genetics Lab和MicroFIN)之间的关系。我们发现,即使在控制了推理之后,MCS测试也显示出彼此之间更高的收敛效度水平,从而从经验上区分了这两种方法。 Kretzschmar的评论以及Funke,Fischer和Holt的评论表达了对我们的研究进行方式,数据分析和结果解释的若干担忧。尽管我们承认并同意这些评论中的一些较为笼统的说法,但我们尊重其他人的观点,或者认为它们至少部分与现有文献和当前可用的经验证据形成对比。



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