首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Intelligence >Future Efforts in Flynn Effect Research: Balancing Reductionism with Holism

Future Efforts in Flynn Effect Research: Balancing Reductionism with Holism




After nearly thirty years of concerted effort by many investigators, the cause or causes of the secular gains in IQ test scores, known as the Flynn effect, remain elusive. In this target article, I offer six suggestions as to how we might proceed in our efforts to solve this intractable mystery. The suggestions are as follows: (1) compare parents to children; (2) consider other traits and conditions; (3) compare siblings; (4) conduct more and better intervention programs; (5) use subtest profile data in context; and (6) quantify the potential contribution of heterosis. This last section contains new simulations of the process of heterosis, which provide a plausible scenario whereby rapid secular changes in multiple genetically influenced traits are possible. If there is any theme to the present paper, it is that future study designs should be simpler and more highly focused, coordinating multiple studies on single populations.
机译:经过许多研究人员近30年的共同努力,智商测试成绩长期增长的原因仍然难以捉摸。在这篇目标文章中,我提供了六个建议,说明我们如何才能继续努力解决这一棘手的谜团。建议如下:(1)比较父母与子女; (2)考虑其他特征和条件; (3)比较兄弟姐妹; (4)实施更多更好的干预方案; (5)在上下文中使用子测试配置文件数据; (6)量化杂种优势的潜在贡献。最后一部分包含杂种优势过程的新模拟,提​​供了一个可能的场景,在此场景中,可能会在多个受遗传影响的性状上迅速发生长期变化。如果本文有任何主题,那就是未来的研究设计应该更简单,更具针对性,协调针对单个人群的多项研究。



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