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Internet and Mobile Technology Use Among Urban African American Parents: Survey Study of a Clinical Population




Background: There is considerable potential for mobile technologies to empower pediatric patients and families by improving their communication with health professionals. National surveys suggest minority parents frequently communicate via mobile technology, but it is uncertain how amenable they are to receiving health care information in this format. Although the low cost and far reach characteristics of mobile health (mHealth) technology makes it advantageous for communication with minority parents, data on acceptance are needed.Objective: The objective of the study was to determine utilization of mobile and Internet technology by African American parents in an urban, underserved population, and to assess their interest in receiving health information via text messaging or other technologies (eg, social media and the Internet).Methods: A survey was administered to parents of children aged 1-12 years covered by public insurance receiving care at 3 pediatric primary care centers in Washington, DC.Results: The African American sample (N=302) was composed of primarily single (75.8%, 229/302) mothers. Almost half had more than a high school education (47.7%, 144/302) and incomes above US $25,000 per year (43.0%, 130/302). Most (97.0%, 293/302) reported owning a cell phone, of which 91.1% (275/302) used it to text and 78.5% (237/302) used it to access the Internet. Most had service plans with unlimited text and data, but 26.5% (80/302) experienced service interruptions in the previous year. Home Internet access was more prevalent among those with higher income (86.2%, 112/130), but it was still relatively pervasive among lower income families (66.9%, 83/124). In adjusted logistic regression models, African American mothers with income greater than US $25,000 annually were 4 times as likely to own a tablet computer than their lower income counterparts. Of the participants, 80.8% (244/302) used social networking, primarily Facebook, and 74.2% (224/302) were interested in joining a social networking group about a health topic concerning their child. Although relatively few African American mothers (17.9%, 54/302) shared health information via texting, there was strong interest in receiving health information via mobile phones (87.4%, 264/302). There was no significant difference in Internet/mobile device use or interest in using these outlets to send/receive information about their children’s health between parents of healthy children and parents of children with chronic health conditions.Conclusions: Urban African American parents are active users of the Internet and mobile technology for social interactions, but they are less likely to use it for accessing or communicating health information. However, most parents expressed an interest in receiving health information or utilizing social networking to learn more about health topics. Mobile technology and social networks may be an underutilized method of providing health information to underserved minority populations.
机译:背景:移动技术通过改善与医护人员的沟通,为儿科患者和家庭提供强大的潜力。全国调查显示,少数族裔父母经常通过移动技术进行通信,但不确定他们接受这种格式的医疗保健信息的程度如何。尽管移动健康(mHealth)技术的低成本和深远特点使其在与少数父母的交流中具有优势,但仍需要接受数据。目的:研究的目的是确定非洲裔美国父母对移动和互联网技术的利用方法:对公众覆盖的1-12岁儿童的父母进行调查,以评估他们对通过短信或其他技术(如社交媒体和互联网)接收健康信息的兴趣。结果表明:非裔美国人样本(N = 302)主要由单身母亲(75.8%,229/302)组成。几乎一半的人拥有高中以上学历(47.7%,144/302),年收入超过25,000美元(43.0%,130/302)。大多数(97.0%,293/302)报告拥有手机,其中91.1%(275/302)使用手机发短信,而78.5%(237/302)使用手机访问互联网。大多数服务计划的文本和数据不受限制,但上一年有26.5%(80/302)的服务中断。家庭互联网访问在收入较高的人群中更为普遍(86.2%,112/130),但在收入较低的家庭中仍相对普遍(66.9%,83/124)。在调整的逻辑回归模型中,年收入超过25,000美元的非洲裔美国母亲拥有平板电脑的可能性是低收入母亲的4倍。在参与者中,有80.8%(244/302)使用了社交网络,主要是Facebook,而74.2%(224/302)对加入有关孩子健康主题的社交网络感兴趣。尽管相对很少的非洲裔美国母亲(17.9%,54/302)通过短信共享健康信息,但人们对通过移动电话接收健康信息的兴趣浓厚(87.4%,264/302)。健康孩子的父母和患有慢性病的孩子的父母之间,使用互联网/移动设备使用或通过这些渠道发送/接收有关孩子健康信息的兴趣没有显着差异。互联网和移动技术进行社交互动,但他们不太可能将其用于访问或传达健康信息。但是,大多数父母表示有兴趣接收健康信息或利用社交网络来了解有关健康主题的更多信息。移动技术和社交网络可能是向未得到充分服务的少数民族人口提供健康信息的一种未被充分利用的方法。



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