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Salmonella infection of breast implant associated with traveler's diarrhea: A case report




We present the first case of traveler's diarrhea resulting in breast implant infection. An otherwise healthy 34-year-old female underwent breast augmentation. Five months later, while vacationing in Cancun, Mexico, she developed abdominal pain and diarrhea that progressed to include fevers and chills. Her symptoms persisted until she returned to the United States, at which point her primary care physician evaluated her on the fourth day of her illness. An abdominal CT scan was unremarkable; however, a complete metabolic panel demonstrated elevated transaminases. Her symptoms soon resolved without treatment. Fourteen days after symptom resolution, the patient developed right breast pain. She was evaluated in the surgical clinic where the breast was tender to palpation, swollen and without erythema. An ultrasound demonstrated a small amount of homogenous fluid surrounding the implant. She was prescribed amoxicillin–clavulanate 875–125?mg BID; however, she presented three days later with worsening pain, swelling and new erythema. She was taken to the operating room, where the abscess was incised, drained and the implant removed. Cultures grewSalmonellaserogroup C. Patients should be counseled regarding the potential for hematogenous seeding of the breast cavity and implant following severe illness and bacteremia. It may be reasonable to provide patients with breast implants who are traveling to areas at high-risk for traveler's diarrhea or areas with limited medical resources with an antibiotic to take if moderate to severe symptoms of traveler's diarrhea were to develop while away.
机译:我们介绍的第一例旅行者腹泻导致乳房植入物感染。另一名健康的34岁女性进行了隆胸手术。 5个月后,在墨西哥坎昆度假时,她出现了腹痛和腹泻,包括发烧和发冷。她的症状一直持续到她回到美国,此时她的初级保健医生在她病情的第四天对她进行了评估。腹部CT扫描无异常。然而,完整的代谢组显示转氨酶升高。她的症状无需治疗即可很快解决。症状消除后的十四天,患者出现右乳房疼痛。她在外科诊所接受了评估,当时乳房触诊,肿胀且没有红斑。超声波显示植入物周围有少量均匀的液体。她开出了阿莫西林-克拉维酸875-125mg BID处方;然而,三天后她出现疼痛加剧,肿胀和新发红斑。她被带到手术室,在手术室切开脓肿,将其引流并取出植入物。沙门氏菌C组培养。在严重疾病和菌血症后,应为患者提供关于乳腺和植入物血行播种的潜力的咨询。如果在旅途中出现中度至重度的腹泻症状时,可能会为旅行到腹泻的高风险地区或医疗资源有限的地区的乳房植入物患者提供抗生素。



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