首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water reuse and desalination >Assessment of the Escherichia coli pollution in drinking water and water sources in Sistan, Iran

Assessment of the Escherichia coli pollution in drinking water and water sources in Sistan, Iran




Water should be free of dangerous agents and able to provide the nutritional needs of humans and animals. Adequate and reliable water supply is essential for healthy animal production. This study was carried out in Sistan region, Sistan and Baluchistan State, Iran, to evaluate the pollution rate of drinking water and water sources with fecal Escherichia coli via the most probable number (MPN) method. A total number of 100 water samples were collected and divided to drinking and non-potable water groups. The non-potable water was categorized according to flow type, irrigation usage, type of accessibility and geographic location. Mean number of MPN of fecal E. coli in non-potable and drinkable water were detected, 6.1 × 102 and 2.4 coliforms per 100 mL, respectively (p 0.05). Running water was more contaminated than still and pipe water in the study area (p 0.05). Significantly, the MPN of fecal coliforms, in non-potable water, collected from the east was higher than the west part of the study area (p 0.05). Among potable water, in the study area, the west part was remarkably more polluted with fecal E. coli than the east part of the study area (p 0.05). Results indicated the applicability of water for animal consumption and an alarming signal for human consumption and public health.
机译:水应不含有害物质,并能够满足人类和动物的营养需求。充足和可靠的水供应对于健康的动物生产至关重要。这项研究是在伊朗锡斯坦(Sistan)和Bal路支斯坦州(Baluhistan State)的锡斯坦地区进行的,目的是通过最可能数(MPN)方法评估粪便大肠杆菌对饮用水和水源的污染率。总共收集了100个水样本,并分为饮用水和非饮用水两类。非饮用水根据流量类型,灌溉方式,可及性和地理位置进行分类。粪便大肠杆菌在非饮用水和饮用水中的平均MPN数量分别为每100 mL 6.1×102和2.4大肠菌群(p <0.05)。在研究区域,自来水比静水和管道水受到的污染更大(p <0.05)。值得注意的是,从东部收集的非饮用水中大肠菌群的MPN高于研究区域的西部(p <0.05)。在饮用水中,研究区西部的粪便大肠杆菌污染程度明显高于研究区东部(p <0.05)。结果表明水可用于动物的消费,并且是对人类消费和公共卫生的警报信号。



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