首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association: Association des Bibliotheques de la Sante du Canada. Journal >Learning from and Translating Peasant Struggles as Anti-Colonial Praxis: The Ghadar Party in Punjab

Learning from and Translating Peasant Struggles as Anti-Colonial Praxis: The Ghadar Party in Punjab




The Ghadar Party introduced a radical anticolonial praxis to Punjab, British India, in the early 1910s. Much of the literature on the Ghadar Party situates the birth of the movement among Punjabi peasants along the Pacific coast of North America who returned to their homeland intent on waging an anticolonial mutiny. One strand of argumentation locates the failure of the Ghadar Party in a problem of incompatibility between their migrant political consciousness and the conditions and experiences of their co-patriots in Punjab. I use Antonio Gramsci's concept of “translation,” a semi-metaphorical means to describe political practices that transform existing political struggles, to demonstrate how the Ghadar Party's work of political education was not unidirectional, but rather consisted of learning from peasant experiences and histories of struggle, as well as transforming extant forms of peasant resistance – such as, banditry – for building a radical anticolonial movement. Translation is an anticolonial practice that works on subaltern experiences and struggles. The Ghadar Party's praxis of translating subaltern struggles into anticolonialism is demonstrative of how movements learn from and transform existing movements.
机译:Ghadar党在1910年代初向英属印度旁遮普邦提出了激进的反殖民实践。关于加达尔党的许多文献都把该运动的起源定为北美太平洋沿岸的旁遮普农民,他们返回家乡打算发动反殖民叛变。一连串的争论将加达尔党的失败归结为他们的移民政治意识与旁遮普邦同胞的条件和经验之间的不相容性问题。我用安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci)的“翻译”概念(一种半隐喻的方式)来描述改变现有政治斗争的政治实践,以证明加达尔党的政治教育工作不是单向的,而是从农民的经验和历史中学习为建立激进的反殖民运动而进行的斗争,以及改变现存形式的农民抵抗运动(例如强盗)。翻译是一种反殖民的实践,适用于次要经历和斗争。加德党的将下层斗争转化为反殖民主义的实践证明了运动是如何学习和改变现有运动的。



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