
In the Shadow of Ghadar: Marxism and Anti-Colonialism in Colonial Punjab




The Ghadr Party, an eclectic group of diasporic Punjabis, was perhaps one of the most significant political movements led by emigre Indians in the early twentieth century. Designated as one of the biggest threats to colonial rule in the 1910s, the Ghadr Party spread its operations over five continents, and repeatedly committed acts of sabotage aimed at colonial officials from India. By the 1920s, however, the birth of popular movements in India marginalized various groups that believed in the spectacular actions of a vanguard as a strategy for overcoming the stifling impact of colonial rule. Members of the party, eager to find a foothold in the changed political scenario, opened discussions for building a popular front in Punjab, with many returning to the country to participate in such an endeavour. In this article, I study the encounter between the Ghadarite tradition and the communist movement in colonial Punjab through the writings of Sohan Singh Josh, who attempted to bring these two traditions together to produce a viable political project. I argue that Ghadar's encounter with Marxism not only influenced the former, but also radically transformed Marxism itself, particularly on questions of History, violence and volition.
机译:加德党是流散的旁遮普语的折衷派,也许是二十世纪初由印度印第安人领导的最重要的政治运动之一。被指定为1910年代对殖民统治的最大威胁之一,加得尔党的行动遍及五大洲,并多次针对印度殖民地官员进行破坏活动。然而,到1920年代,印度的大众运动的诞生使各种群体边缘化,他们相信先锋队的壮观行动是克服殖民统治令人窒息的影响的战略。渴望在变化的政治局势中站稳脚跟的该党成员就在旁遮普邦建立受欢迎的阵线展开了讨论,许多人返回该国参加这一努力。在本文中,我将通过Sohan Singh Josh的著作研究Ghadarite传统与旁遮普邦的共产主义运动之间的相遇,Sohan Singh Josh试图将这两种传统融合在一起以产生可行的政治计划。我认为,加达尔与马克思主义的接触不仅影响了前者,而且从根本上改变了马克思主义本身,特别是在历史,暴力和意志问题上。



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