首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Taibah University for Science >Synthesis of ultra small iron oxide and doped iron oxide nanostructures and their antimicrobial activities

Synthesis of ultra small iron oxide and doped iron oxide nanostructures and their antimicrobial activities




Nanostructures of iron oxide and doped iron oxide with cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) havebeen prepared by wet chemical methods using sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) as capping agent.X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) resultsshowed that the nanostructures were crystalline with average crystallite size around 20 nm. Thescanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images confirmedthe granular shape of the nanostructures with ultra small size. The doping was confirmedin the XRD patterns and was well supported by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Band gap for iron oxide nanoparticles was found to be 2.2 eV and on doping the band gap foundto be increased up to 2.5 eV. Ultra violet-visible (UV–Vis) measurements and blue shift of theoptical band gap compliments the ultra small size of nanostructures as suggested by XRD, SEMand TEM studies. Interestingly, few of the compounds showed promising antifungal activity andmight be used for antifungal treatment against fungal infection in future.
机译:以十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为封端剂,通过湿化学法制备了具有钴(Co),镍(Ni)和锌(Zn)的氧化铁和掺杂氧化铁的纳米结构.X射线衍射(XRD)和高分辨率透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)结果表明,纳米结构为晶体,平均晶粒尺寸为20 nm左右。扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)图像证实了纳米结构的颗粒形状具有超小尺寸。在X射线衍射图谱中证实了掺杂,并得到了傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)的良好支持。发现氧化铁纳米粒子的带隙为2.2 eV,掺杂时带隙增加至2.5 eV。 XRD,SEM和TEM研究表明,超紫外可见(UV-Vis)测量和光学带隙的蓝移补充了超小尺寸的纳米结构。有趣的是,很少有化合物显示出有希望的抗真菌活性,并且将来可能用于抗真菌感染的抗真菌治疗。



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