首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >Physical and Mental Health Issues among Homeless Youth in British Columbia, Canada: Are they Different from Older Homeless Adults?

Physical and Mental Health Issues among Homeless Youth in British Columbia, Canada: Are they Different from Older Homeless Adults?




Objectives: Youth homelessness is on the rise in North America, yet this vulnerable population is rarely studied and compared with adults. This paper aimed to study the homeless youth and identify specific vulnerabilities, which rendered them different from the adult homeless population. It also aimed to describe the youth homeless population and their significant co-morbidities. Methods: Data was derived from the BC Health of the Homeless Study (BCHOHS), carried out in three cities in British Columbia, Canada: the large urban centre Vancouver (n=250); the mid-sized city and capital of the province Victoria (n=150). Measures included socio-demographic information, the Maudsley Addiction Profile (MAP), the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) Plus. Results: Youth constituted 16.5% (n=82) of the homeless population. Compared to the adult homeless, the homeless youth were more often female (55%), were Aboriginal (47.6%), had greater substance abuse of alcohol (70.7%), amphetamines (8.5%) and cannabis (75.6%). A lower prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (0.2%) and psychotic disorders (13.4%) was also observed. The prevalence of traumatic experiences, other psychiatric disorders and physical illnesses were similar between the adult and homeless youth. Conclusion: Homeless youth have high rates of physical and psychiatric comorbidity, similar to the adult homeless, despite being 20 years younger. An urgent need for interventions that go beyond the standardized ones being offered to homeless populations as a whole, and to derive specific strategies that target this vulnerable population is required.
机译:目标:在北美,青年无家可归的现象正在增加,但这种脆弱的人口很少被研究,与成年人相比。本文旨在研究无家可归的青年并确定特定的脆弱性,这使他们与成年无家可归的人群有所不同。它还旨在描述青年无家可归者及其严重并发症。方法:数据来自卑诗省无家可归者健康调查(BCHOHS),该数据在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的三个城市进行:温哥华大城市中心(n = 250);维多利亚省的中型城市和省会(n = 150)。措施包括社会人口统计学信息,Maudsley成瘾概况(MAP),儿童创伤问卷(CTQ)和迷你国际神经精神病学访谈(MINI)Plus。结果:青年占无家可归人口的16.5%(n = 82)。与无家可归的成年人相比,无家可归的年轻人多为女性(55%),土著居民(47.6%),酒精滥用(70.7%),苯丙胺(8.5%)和大麻(75.6%)的滥用率更高。性传播疾病(0.2%)和精神病(13.4%)的患病率也较低。在成年人和无家可归的年轻人中,创伤经历,其他精神疾病和身体疾病的患病率相似。结论:无家可归的青年人比成年人无家可归者具有更高的身体和精神疾病合并症,尽管他们年轻了20岁。迫切需要超越为整个无家可归者提供的标准化干预措施,并制定针对该弱势人群的具体策略。



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