首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics >Invisible Emotion, Anxiety and Fear: Quantifying the Mind Using EKG with mDFA

Invisible Emotion, Anxiety and Fear: Quantifying the Mind Using EKG with mDFA




Fluctuation or variation of the heartbeat represents momently varying inner emotional tension. Can this psychological variations of the inner world, anxiety for example, is detectable and even quantifiable? Our answer to the question: Using a long-time electrocardiogram (EKG), we quantified them. We recorded EKGs by our own EKG amplifiers. The amplifier has a newly designed electric circuit, which enable us to record a stable EKG. The amplifier made it possible to record a perfect EKG where the EKG trace never jump-out from the PC monitor screen. Using this amplifier, we captured approximately 2000 heartbeats without missing a single beat. For the analysis of the EKGs, we used “modified detrended fluctuation analysis (mDFA)” technique, which we have recently developed by our group. The mDFA calculates the scaling exponent (SI, scaling index) from the time series data, i.e., the R-R interval time series data obtained from EKG. Detecting 2000 consecutive peaks, the mDFA can distinguish between a normal and an abnormal heart: a normal healthy heartbeat exhibits an SI of around 1.0, comparable to the fluctuations exemplified as the 1/f spectrum. The heartbeat recorded from subjects who have stress and anxiety exhibited a lower SI. Arrhythmic heartbeats and extra-systolic heartbeats both also exhibited a low SI ~0.7, for example. We propose that the mDFA technique is a useful computation method for checking health. The functional capabilities of various internal systems, such as the circulatory system and the autonomic nervous system, can be quantified by using mDFA.
机译:心跳的波动或变化表示瞬间变化的内在情绪张力。内心世界的这种心理变化,例如焦虑,是否可以检测到甚至可以量化?我们对这个问题的答案:使用长期心电图(EKG),我们对其进行了量化。我们通过自己的心电图放大器记录了心电图。放大器具有新设计的电路,使我们能够记录稳定的心电图。该放大器可以记录完美的心电图,其中心电图描记永远不会从PC监视器屏幕跳出。使用该放大器,我们捕获了大约2000个心跳,而没有丢失任何心跳。对于心电图分析,我们使用了我们小组最近开发的“改进的去趋势波动分析(mDFA)”技术。 mDFA根据时间序列数据(即从EKG获得的R-R间隔时间序列数据)计算缩放指数(SI,缩放指数)。通过检测2000个连续的峰值,mDFA可以区分正常心脏和异常心脏:正常健康的心跳显示出的SI约为1.0,可与以1 / f频谱为例的波动相媲美。从有压力和焦虑的受试者记录的心跳表现出较低的SI。例如,心律不齐的心跳和收缩期外的心跳也都显示出较低的SI〜0.7。我们建议mDFA技术是检查健康状况的一种有用的计算方法。各种内部系统(例如循环系统和自主神经系统)的功能能力可以通过使用mDFA进行量化。



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