首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion >Hester Prynne as a Rebel to Puritan Society in Hawthorne’s Romance the Scarlet Letter

Hester Prynne as a Rebel to Puritan Society in Hawthorne’s Romance the Scarlet Letter

机译:海斯特·普林(Hester Prynne):霍桑的《红字浪漫》中的清教徒社会叛逆者



’The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthrone is a classical novel in the 19th century American literature. Although it was written in the 18th century yet the setting is in the 17th century in Boston, America. The novel shows Puritanism’s great impact on people's life and thought. It’s a story of a woman named, Hester Prynne, who is punished for her adulteries with a young priest Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. She also has a daughter but denies disclosing her father’s name. She fights against society system set by the Puritan Regime. She wears the scarlet letter ‘A’ which is a stigma showing her an ‘adulteress’. This paper will give a picture of Hester as a rebel to a rigid Puritan society. It will show how the Puritans were strict in the matters of divinity and did not accept any rule violated. The paper will present the boldness and rebellion of the protagonist against so called established laws which were in fact a kind of ignominy of human beings who committed sins.
机译:纳撒尼尔·霍索恩(Nathaniel Hawthrone)创作的《红字》是19世纪美国文学中的经典小说。尽管它是在18世纪编写的,但背景是在17世纪的美国波士顿。小说显示了清教运动对人们生活和思想的巨大影响。这是一个名叫海丝特·白兰(Hester Prynne)的女人的故事,她因通奸而与年轻的牧师阿瑟·迪米斯代尔(Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale)受到惩罚。她还有一个女儿,但拒绝透露她父亲的名字。她与清教徒政权设定的社会制度作斗争。她戴着鲜红色的字母“ A”,这是一个污名,表明她是“成年女性”。本文将为海丝特描绘一个僵化的清教徒社会的叛逆者。它将显示清教徒在神性方面是严格的,不接受任何违反的规则。本文将介绍主角对所谓的既定法律的大胆和反叛,这些法律实际上是对犯下罪行的人类的一种igno昧。



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