首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods >Determination of lag threshold on the measure of collinearity

Determination of lag threshold on the measure of collinearity




To date, theimplementation of lag selection procedures within the context of unit roottests is largely based on application of standard information criteria whichare well-known to have lag selection problem. In this paper, we propose a newlag selection procedure based on collinearity measures for an autoregression ofdifferenced lagged values. In empirical analysis, the conventional coefficientof multiple determination denoted by Rc2 has been widely used in statisticalliterature for the computation of standard collinearity measures such asvariance inflation factor (VIF) and tolerance index(ToL) but given thewell-known difference between the underlying assumptions of standard multiplelinear regression and a linear autoregression, the conventional coefficient ofmultiple determination which is used to compute VIF and ToL under the frameworkof standard multiple linear regression may not provide an appropriatecollinearity measures under a linear autoregression setting. Hence, the realizationof this obvious inadequacy motivated the introduction of our newly proposedstatistic called the coefficient of multiple determination for autoregressionof differenced lagged values of time series data. Unit root tests areimplemented on autoregression made up of differenced lagged values whichrequires an appropriate choice of optimal truncation lag. However, in thecurrent literature there is dearth of information on possibility of usingcollinearity statistics as criteria for lag truncation in unit root tests.Using the newly proposed coefficient of multiple determination forautoregression of differenced lagged series denoted by Rd2 , we generate a classof collinearity statistics called tolerance index and variance inflation factorfor differenced lagged series denoted by ToLd and VIFd respectively. We usedthese collinearity statistics as criteria for determining lag threshold forunit root tests. We employed augmented Dickey-Fuller(ADF) and generalizedDickey Fuller (DF-GLS) unit root tests to illustrate empirically theapplication of these collinearity criteria for lag selection and wedemonstrated that these criteria select lag-length that is parsimonious therebyavoiding the problem of over-specification of truncation lag-length that is commonlyassociated with classical lag selection techniques.
机译:迄今为止,在单位根测试的背景下执行滞后选择程序主要是基于应用众所周知的滞后选择问题的标准信息标准。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于共线性测度的新滞后选择程序,用于差分滞后值的自回归。在经验分析中,由Rc2表示的常规多重确定系数已广泛用于统计文学中,用于计算标准共线性度度量,例如方差膨胀因子(VIF)和公差指数(ToL),但由于已知的标准基本假设之间存在众所周知的差异多元线性回归和线性自回归,用于在标准多元线性回归框架下计算VIF和ToL的常规多重确定系数可能无法在线性自回归设置下提供适当的共线性度量。因此,这种明显不足的实现促使引入了我们新近提出的统计数据,该统计数据用于对时间序列数据的不同滞后值进行自回归的多重确定系数。单位根检验areimplemented上求差滞后值的由最优截断滞后的whichrequires适当选择自回归。但是,在当前文献中,缺乏关于使用共线性统计量作为单位根检验中滞后截断准则的可能性的信息。使用新提出的多重确定系数,对以Rd2表示的差分滞后序列进行自回归,我们生成了一类称为公差的共线性统计量差值滞后序列的指数和方差膨胀因子分别由ToLd和VIFd表示。我们使用这些共线性统计量作为确定单位根检验的滞后阈值的标准。我们使用增强的Dickey-Fuller(ADF)和广义的Dickey Fuller(DF-GLS)单位根检验来以经验方式说明这些共线性准则在滞后选择中的应用,并证明这些标准选择了滞后长度,从而避免了超标问题截断滞后长度通常与经典滞后选择技术相关联。



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