首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management >Biological nitrogen fixation in sole and doubled-up legume cropping systems on the sandy soils of Kasungu, Central Malawi

Biological nitrogen fixation in sole and doubled-up legume cropping systems on the sandy soils of Kasungu, Central Malawi




Nitrogen is the most limiting element in Malawi soils with respect to crop production. However, grain legumes that are associated with biological nitrogen fixation are commonly grown in the country. Results are reported of a study on evaluation of the effects of sole cropped and doubled-up legume systems (legume-legume intercrop) on biological nitrogen fixation on the Ultisols?of Kasungu district, Central Malawi. The modified nitrogen difference method was used to estimate the amount of nitrogen fixed per hectare. The total amount of nitrogen biologically fixed in each cropping system (that is, for intercrops, this means adding together amount of nitrogen fixed by the component crops) showed significantly (p<0.05) higher mean nitrogen amount in the pigeon pea/groundnuts doubled-up cropping system (82.8 kg N ha-1) that was 33 and 35% more nitrogen than those of the sole groundnuts (55.8 kg N ha-1) and sole pigeon pea (54.1 kg N ha-1), respectively. However, the pigeon pea/soybean doubled-up (53.6 kg N ha-1) was only significantly higher than that for the sole soybean (35.8 kg N ha-1) but resulted in nitrogen amount similar to that for the sole pigeon pea which implies a large suppression on intercropped pigeon pea biological nitrogen fixation. This could be attributed to competition for light and nutrients presented to the pigeon pea in the pigeon pea/soybean intercrop in early stages of development by the fast growing bushy solitaire soybean.
机译:就作物生产而言,氮是马拉维土壤中最大的限制元素。但是,该国通常种植与生物固氮有关的豆类。据报道,对马拉维中部Kasungu地区的Ultisols?上单独种植和加倍种植的豆类系统(豆科植物间作)对生物固氮的效果进行评估的研究报告。使用改良的氮差异法估算每公顷固定氮的数量。在每个种植系统中生物固定的氮总量(即,对于间作来说,这意味着将组成作物固定的氮总量加在一起)显示,木豆/花生的平均氮含量显着提高(p <0.05),即增加了一倍,种植系统(82.8 kg N ha-1)的氮分别比单独的花生(55.8 kg N ha-1)和唯一的木豆(54.1 kg N ha-1)高33和35%。但是,木豆/大豆的倍增量(53.6 kg N ha-1)仅比单独的大豆(35.8 kg N ha-1)高得多,但是氮含量与唯一的木豆相似。意味着对间作木豆的生物固氮作用有很大的抑制作用。这可能归因于快速生长的浓密单粒大豆在发育初期,在木豆/大豆间作中争夺给木豆的光和营养。



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