首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS >A GIS Based Ecotourism Infrastructure Planning for Promotion of Tourism in Jungle Mahal of West Bengal

A GIS Based Ecotourism Infrastructure Planning for Promotion of Tourism in Jungle Mahal of West Bengal




Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry at present. The market for nature holidays is certainly a growing one. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has estimated that nature tourism generates 7 percent of all international travel expenditure, the relations Eco- tourisms this is widely use today, but is rarely explain. It is often used interchangeably with others terms such as soft tourisms responsible tourisms and nature tourisms. In simple terms eco tourisms simply means that the main motivation for travel is the desire to view eco system in their natural state. Both in terms of wildlife and the original population, however ecotourism is often taken to be more than this with its proponents requesting that is also concerned and the lives of the local people improved thought of effects of tourisms. Present study is an attempt to identify potential ecotourism sites in Jungle Mahal using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques in forest dominated area of West Bengal. GIS approach of visualization is an innovative discipline to recognize the ‘Ecotourism’ assessment of tourism by integrating spatial and non-spatial data. After identifying the potential sites, a demonstrative plan has been made for Ecotourism development based on locally available natural resources.
机译:生态旅游是目前旅游业中增长最快的行业之一。自然假期的市场肯定正在增长。世界旅游组织(WTO)估计,自然旅游占所有国际旅行支出的7%,这种关系如今在生态旅游中得到了广泛使用,但很少得到解释。它经常与其他术语互换使用,例如软性旅游,负责任的旅游和自然旅游。简而言之,生态旅游只是意味着旅行的主要动机是希望以自然状态观察生态系统。无论是在野生动植物还是在原住民方面,然而,生态旅游通常被认为是远远超过此的,它的支持者也要求关注这一点,当地人民的生活改善了对旅游业影响的思考。当前的研究是试图利用遥感和GIS技术在西孟加拉邦森林占主导的地区确定丛林玛哈陵潜在的生态旅游点。 GIS可视化方法是一种创新学科,通过整合空间和非空间数据来识别对旅游业的“生态旅游”评估。在确定潜在地点后,已根据当地现有自然资源制定了生态旅游开发示范计划。



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