首页> 外文期刊>Journal of reproduction and fertility >Variation in the ability of a long day followed by a short day photoperiod signal to initiate reproductive activity in ewes at different times of the year

Variation in the ability of a long day followed by a short day photoperiod signal to initiate reproductive activity in ewes at different times of the year




Three experiments examined the importance of the time and duration of exposure to a long day followed by a short day photoperiod signal in initiating reproductive activity in ewes. In Expt 1, ewes were maintained on short days (8.5 h light:15.5 h dark) from 21 December interrupted with either 105 long days (18 h light:6 h dark; LD) from 9 February or 35 LD from 9 February, 16 March or 20 April. Exposure to long days followed by short days advanced the onset of reproductive activity in comparison to control ewes maintained on simulated natural photoperiod. Exposure to long days for 105 days delayed the onset of reproductive activity (August 2 卤 3 days; P < 0.05) compared with 35 days beginning on the same date (July 13 卤 5 days). The interval from the end of the long day signal to the onset of reproductive activity was shorter (P < 0.001) however, after 105 LD than after 35 LD. In Expt 2, control ewes were moved from natural photoperiod to simulated natural photoperiod on 1 November and subsequently exposed to short days from 21 December. Four other groups were also exposed to this basic photoperiodic signal sequence but it was interrupted with either 70 LD from 16 November, or 35 LD from 16 November, 21 December or 20 April. More ewes (P <0.05) initiated reproductive activity after exposure to 70 LD from 16 November and 35 LD from 21 December or 20 April compared with control ewes maintained on short days or ewes given 35 LD from 16 November. The interval from the end of long days to the onset of reproductive activity was less (P < 0.01) in ewes given 70 LD than in ewes given 35 LD. In Expt 3, ewes on natural photoperiod were given either 90 LD from 21 September, 35 LD from 21 September, 26 October, 30 November, 4 January or 8 February followed by short days. The majority of ewes that received long followed by short days after the winter solstice resumed reproductive activity. However, all photoperiod signals given between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice failed to initiate reproductive activity in ewes during the experiment. Thus we conclude that, in ewes, the reproductive neuroendocrine axis is insensitive to long days followed by short days between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. The reproductive axis of ewes regains sensitivity to the inductive effects of long days followed by short days at a time close to the winter solstice. Between the winter and summer solstices, long days followed by short days maintain the anoestrous state and provide the cue for initiation of reproductive activity.
机译:三个实验检查了长时间暴露于母羊中的生殖活动中的时间和持续时间,然后是短日光周期信号的重要性。在Expt 1中,从12月21日起在短日(8.5小时光照:15.5小时黑暗)维持母羊,从2月9日开始105天(18小时光照:6小时黑暗; LD)中断,或从16年2月9日开始保持35 LD。 3月或4月20日。与在模拟的自然光周期中维持的对照母羊相比,长时间暴露于短日之后会促进生殖活动的开始。长时间暴露105天会延迟生殖活动的开始(8月2到3天; P <0.05),而同一天开始的35天(7月13到5天)则有所延迟。从长日信号结束到生殖活动开始的时间间隔较短(P <0.001),但在105 LD之后比35 LD之后。在Expt 2中,对照母羊于11月1日从自然光周期转移到模拟自然光周期,随后从12月21日开始暴露于短时间内。其他四组也都暴露于这种基本的光周期信号序列,但是从11月16日开始被70 LD中断,或者从11月16日,12月21日或4月20日被35 LD中断。 11月16日暴露于70 LD和12月21日或4月20日暴露于35 LD后,更多的母羊(P <0.05)引发了生殖活动,而短日维持的对照母羊或11月16日接受了35 LD的母羊则开始了繁殖活动。饲喂70 LD的母羊从长日结束到生殖活动开始的时间间隔短于饲喂35 LD的母羊(P <0.01)。在Expt 3中,从9月21日起对自然光周期的母羊给予90 LD,从9月21日,10月26日,11月30日,1月4日或2月8日给予35 LD,然后是短日。冬至之后,大多数接受长时间后短短几天的母羊恢复了繁殖活动。然而,在实验期间,在秋分和冬至之间给出的所有光周期信号都未能启动母羊的生殖活动。因此,我们得出结论,在母羊中,生殖神经内分泌轴对秋分和冬至之间的长日和短日不敏感。母羊的生殖轴恢复了对长日的诱导作用的敏感性,然后在冬至临近的短时间恢复了敏感性。在冬至夏至之间,长日和短日之间保持厌食状态,并为生殖活动的启动提供提示。



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