首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Studies >Analysis of the Performance of two Rangeland Protocols, Monitoring and Assessment

Analysis of the Performance of two Rangeland Protocols, Monitoring and Assessment




This study compared and contrasted data from the stick and modified Braun-Blanquet monitoring protocols in three areas with different land use histories: an unrestored barren area, a young and old restored areas. The study areas are part of extensive degraded of birch woodland and willow shrubland that have partly been re-vegetated.Vegetation and site characteristics were assessed in the three areas using the two protocols and soil sampling to characterize the ecological status of a land that has been re-vegetated. The analysis of the two protocols data indicates similar tendency which is the improvement of the ecological condition of the restored areas compared to the unrestored area. The soil carbon and nitrogen contents increased when the pH decreased with the restoration age. The improvement is better at the old restored area which has received more fertilization compared to the young restoration. Stick method estimated greater cover of vascular plants, litters, mosses and rocks, and lower amount of bare ground than modified Braun-Blanquet. The two protocols provided similar estimates cover of lichens and sedges. Stick method also provided three supplementary indicators which were not included in modified Braun-Blanquet: plants base, basal and canopy gaps. Another observation that could be proved by further studies, stick seemed to be more precise and economical than modified Braun-Blanquet. The indicators provided by the two protocols were related to the three attributes of ecosystems and the rangelands health indicators. This study is a preliminary that cannot be able to recommend one method, but it advocates stick method to assess and monitor vegetation dominated by herbaceous layer as grassland and modified Braun-Blanquet for the one dominated by woody layer.
机译:这项研究在三个具有不同土地利用历史的地区比较了棒和改良的Braun-Blanquet监测方案的数据并进行了对比:一个未恢复的荒芜地区,一个年轻和旧的恢复地区。该研究区域是部分被重新植被的桦木林地和柳灌木丛的大面积退化的一部分。使用这两个方案和土壤采样对这三个地区的植被和立地特征进行了评估,以表征该土地的生态状况。重新植被。对两种方案数据的分析表明相似的趋势,即与未恢复区相比,恢复区的生态状况有所改善。 pH随着恢复年龄的增加而降低,土壤碳氮含量增加。与年轻的修复体相比,旧的修复体获得了更多的施肥,其改良效果更好。棒法估计,与改良的布劳恩-布兰克特相比,维管束植物,凋落物,苔藓和岩石的覆盖面积更大,光秃秃的地面更少。两种协议提供的地衣和莎草的估计覆盖率相似。棒法还提供了三个补充指标,这些指标未包括在改良的Braun-Blanquet中:植物基部,基部和冠层间隙。可以通过进一步研究证明的另一种观察结果是,比改良的Braun-Blanquet棍子更精确,更经济。两项议定书提供的指标与生态系统的三个属性和牧场健康指标有关。这项研究是无法推荐一种方法的初步研究,但它倡导采用棒方法评估和监测以草质层为主的植被(如草地)和改良的布劳恩-布朗凯特(Braun-Blanquet)为以木质层为主的植被。



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