首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Multitudinous and Minute”: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass’ Winner of the Journal of Literature and Science and British Society for Literature and Science Essay Prize 2013

Multitudinous and Minute”: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary and Psychological Representations of the Mass’ Winner of the Journal of Literature and Science and British Society for Literature and Science Essay Prize 2013




During his annus mirabilis of 1905, in addition to papers on the special theory of relativity and the quantum nature of light, Albert Einstein published a revolutionary paper on Brownian motion, following this up with four further papers on the subject over the following three years. Einstein's work in this area paved the way for the acceptance of the physical reality of atomic and molecular models, and can be seen as one of the most significant moments in the physical investigation of large numbers of molecules, an area of study which had come to the fore in the mid-nineteenth century. Physics was not the only field to be struggling with issues relating to large masses during this period: indeed, the emergence of social statistics in nineteenth-century France had already had a direct impact on scientific approaches to the mass (Porter 114). The ongoing social, cultural and political implications of such ideas outside of the purely scientific realm became particularly evident with Gustave Le Bon's 1895 declaration that "The age we are about to enter will in truth be the ERA OF CROWDS" (xv). In turn, the urban focus of much modernist literature, and in particular its emphasis on the place of the individual within city crowds, stresses the resonance of such issues across traditional disciplinary divides. This article will consider the ways in which the disciplines of molecular physics, crowd psychology and modernist literature (represented here by the writings of Virginia Woolf) both overlapped with and drew directly on each other in their engagements with and treatments of large-scale populations, whether of particles, human beings or fictional characters. Moreover, it will show how, in N. Katherine Hayles's terms, each discipline was drawn to focus on this problem because the "concerns" underlying it were "highly charged within a prevailing cultural context" (xi), a context which comprised rapid population growth and mass urbanisation, and which raised the question of the nature of the relationship between the individual and the mass. Brownian motion is the name given to the movement exhibited by microscopic particles suspended in a medium made up of molecules of much smaller size and mass: in current GCSE science the examples most frequently used are pollen grains in water and smoke particles in air. Observed through a microscope, the individual pollen or smoke particles are each seen to be moving almost constantly in a random and "wholly haphazard" manner (Perrin, Atoms 83). However, as the Scottish botanist Robert Brown, after whom the phenomenon is named, proved in the 1820s, this motion is due not to living organisms, but rather "belong[s] to the particle itself
机译:在1905年的年度奇迹期间,除了有关狭义相对论和光的量子性质的论文外,爱因斯坦还发表了一篇有关布朗运动的革命性论文,随后在接下来的三年中又发表了四篇有关该主题的论文。爱因斯坦在这一领域的工作为接受原子和分子模型的物理现实铺平了道路,可以看作是对大量分子进行物理研究时最重要的时刻之一。在19世纪中叶。在此期间,物理学并不是唯一一个与大质量问题相关的领域:的确,十九世纪法国社会统计学的出现已经对科学方法产生了直接影响(波特114)。这些思想在纯科学领域之外不断产生的社会,文化和政治影响,在古斯塔夫·勒·邦(Gustave Le Bon)1895年发表的宣言中特别明显地表明,“我们即将进入的时代将是人群时代”(xv)。反过来,许多现代主义文学作品的城市焦点,尤其是对个人在城市人群中的位置的强调,强调了此类问题在传统学科之间的共鸣。本文将探讨分子物理学,人群心理学和现代主义文学(这里以弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的著作为代表)学科在与大批人口交往和对待方面相互重叠并直接借鉴的方式,无论是粒子,人类还是虚构人物。而且,它将显示出用N. Katherine Hayles的话来说,如何吸引每个学科专注于这个问题,因为其基础的“关注点”是“在普遍的文化背景下高度负责的”(xi),即由快速人口组成的背景。增长和大规模城市化,这提出了个人与大众之间关系性质的问题。布朗运动是由悬浮在由尺寸和质量小得多的分子组成的介质中的微小颗粒所表现出的运动的名称:在当前的GCSE科学中,最常用的例子是水中的花粉颗粒和空气中的烟尘颗粒。通过显微镜观察,每个花粉或烟雾颗粒几乎都以随机且“完全随机”的方式几乎恒定地运动(Perrin,Atoms 83)。然而,正如苏格兰植物学家罗伯特·布朗(Robert Brown)(该现象的名字)在1820年代得到证明的那样,这一运动不是由于活生物体,而是“属于颗粒本身”。



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