首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Michael Greaney’s “‘Observed, Measured, Contained’: Contemporary Fiction and the Science of Sleep.”

Michael Greaney’s “‘Observed, Measured, Contained’: Contemporary Fiction and the Science of Sleep.”

机译:迈克尔·格雷尼(Michael Greaney)的“观察,衡量,包含”:当代小说和睡眠科学。



Enriching recent discussions in a currently emerging field called “critical sleep studies,” Michael Greaney’s article examines a literary subgenre that Greaney calls “sleep-science fiction.” The article identifies a wide range of contemporary novels and short stories which share a specific setting: the sleep laboratory. According to Greaney’s analysis, sleep-science fiction is populated by villainous scientists who try to observe, measure and contain the narcoleptic or insomniac heroes’ sleep(lessness) with the help of seemingly futuristic machines; an enterprise typically destined to fail.
机译:迈克尔·格雷尼(Michael Greaney)的文章丰富了当前正在兴起的“关键性睡眠研究”领域中的最新讨论,文章探讨了格雷尼(Greaney)称为“睡眠科幻小说”的文学子流派。本文介绍了共享特定环境的大量现代小说和短篇小说:睡眠实验室。根据Greaney的分析,睡眠科幻小说由恶棍般的科学家组成,这些科学家通过看似未来主义的机器,试图观察,测量和遏制麻醉性或失眠症英雄的睡眠(虚弱)。通常注定要失败的企业。



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