首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics >Comparative Acceptability of GTM and CLT to the Teachers of Rural Secondary High Schools in Bangladesh

Comparative Acceptability of GTM and CLT to the Teachers of Rural Secondary High Schools in Bangladesh




Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been innovated in the secondary (and the higher secondary) level of education in Bangladesh by drastically devaluing the principles of the long-practiced traditional Grammar Translation Method (GTM). The present study was carried out on some rural secondary high school teachers in Bangladesh about comparative acceptability of GTM and CLT in respects of achieving four skills, accuracy/ fluency, translating activity, ? group/pair works, and classroom language. The result of the study reflected their mixed attitude to GTM and CLT, though all of them put emphasis on language learning through translating activity in group/pair works. Their tendency and claims were in favor of the multi-syllabus. On the basis of the data findings this paper also presents some suggestions for appropriate methodology in ELT in Bangladesh.



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