首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Probability and Statistics >New Approach for Finding Basic Performance Measures of Single Server Queue

New Approach for Finding Basic Performance Measures of Single Server Queue




Consider the single server queue in which the system capacity is infinite and the customers are served on a first come, first served basis. Suppose the probability density functionf(t)and the cumulative distribution functionF(t)of the interarrival time are such that the ratef(t)/1-F(t)tends to a constant ast→∞, and the rate computed from the distribution of the service time tends to another constant. When the queue is in a stationary state, we derive a set of equations for the probabilities of the queue length and the states of the arrival and service processes. Solving the equations, we obtain approximate results for the stationary probabilities which can be used to obtain the stationary queue length distribution and waiting time distribution of a customer who arrives when the queue is in the stationary state.
机译:考虑单个服务器队列,其中系统容量是无限的,并且以先到先得的方式为客户提供服务。假设到达间隔时间的概率密度函数f(t)和累积分布函数F(t)使得比率f(t)/ 1-F(t)趋于常数ast→∞,并且根据分布计算出比率服务时间的变化趋于另一个常数。当队列处于固定状态时,我们针对队列长度的概率以及到达和服务过程的状态推导了一组方程。求解方程式,我们获得平稳概率的近似结果,可用于获得当队列处于平稳状态时到达的客户的平稳队列长度分布和等待时间分布。



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