首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences >Under-nutrition and Related Factors among Children Aged 6-59 Monthsin Gida Ayana District, Oromiya Region, West Ethiopia: A CommunityBased Quantitative Study

Under-nutrition and Related Factors among Children Aged 6-59 Monthsin Gida Ayana District, Oromiya Region, West Ethiopia: A CommunityBased Quantitative Study




Under-nutrition is the most known significant public health problems in developing countries of the world including Ethiopia that cause a shocking effect on children under five years of age. However, the extent of the problem and its several risk factors were not uniformly addressed enough across the various corner of the country. Thus, the objective of this study was to estimate the extent of under-nutritional status and to identify factors related to under-nutrition among children aged 6-59 months in Gida Ayana district, West Ethiopia.Method: A community based cross sectional study was conducted in August/September, 2015. A total of 588 children aged 6-59 months with their respective mothers/caregivers/were used for this study. Weight, height and Mid- upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) were measured using instruments that are recommended by UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) and data regarding socioeconomic, demographic, child and maternal characteristics were collected using a pretested structured questionnaire through interview. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20.0 was used to perform descriptive statistics as well as to perform bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify factors related to under-nutritional status of children. World Health Organization (WHO) Anthro 2007 software version 1.0.4 was used to analyze anthropometric indices.Results: The overall prevalence of stunting, wasting, and underweight were 40.5%, 10.9% and 19.2% respectively. In addition, prevalence of severe stunting; wasting and underweight were 13.4%, 2.9% and 4.6% respectively. Wasting was significantly higher in male children, 24-35 months aged children, House Holds (HHs) of illiterate fathers and HHs with lack of access to safe drinking water. Stunting were significantly higher in male children, children aged 36-59 months, HHs with lack of ownership of farm animals, children with diarrhea, children with fever and HHs with low monthly income. In addition, male children, urban children, children aged 24 months and above, HHs having more than one under five children and diarrhea were the factors that showed significant association with underweight.Conclusion: The prevalence of wasting and stunting among under five children were high confirming nutritional situation in the study area is serious. Wasting, stunting and underweight were significantly higher among boys than girls. In addition; child age, residence, parent's formal education status, visiting antenatal clinic, and diarrhea becomes the main risk factors that contribute for the occurrence of at least two forms of under-nutritional status of children in the study area. Thus, efforts should be made to improve sources of drinking water and parental education, to prevent and control childhood illness, to implement child’s age, residence and sex specific interventions as well asto establish therapeutic and supplementary feeding programs.
机译:营养不良是包括埃塞俄比亚在内的世界上发展中国家最著名的重大公共卫生问题,它们对五岁以下的儿童造成了令人震惊的影响。但是,问题的严重程度及其几个风险因素并未在该国各个角落得到统一解决。因此,本研究的目的是评估西埃塞俄比亚吉达阿亚纳地区6-59个月大儿童的营养不足状况,并找出与营养不足相关的因素。方法:基于社区的横断面研究这项研究于2015年8月/ 9月进行。该研究共使用588名6-59个月大的儿童及其各自的母亲/照顾者/。体重,身高和中上臂围(MUAC)使用联合国儿童基金会(联合国儿童基金会)推荐的仪器进行测量,有关社会经济,人口,儿童和孕产妇特征的数据通过预先测试的结构化问卷通过访谈收集。社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)软件版本20.0用于执行描述性统计,以及执行双变量和多变量logistic回归分析,以识别与儿童营养不良状况相关的因素。使用世界卫生组织Anthro 2007软件1.0.4版分析人体测量指标。结果:发育不良,消瘦和体重过轻的总体患病率分别为40.5%,10.9%和19.2%。此外,严重发育迟缓的患病率;浪费和体重不足分别为13.4%,2.9%和4.6%。男性儿童,24-35个月大的儿童,文盲父亲的家庭(HH)和缺乏安全饮用水的家庭的浪费率明显更高。男性儿童,36-59个月大的儿童,缺乏家畜的家畜,腹泻儿童,发烧儿童和月收入低的家畜的发育迟缓明显更高。此外,男性儿童,城市儿童,24个月及以上的儿童,五岁以下儿童超过一岁的HH和腹泻是与体重过轻显着相关的因素。结论:五岁以下儿童中浪费和发育迟缓的患病率很高确定研究区域的营养状况很严重。男孩的浪费,发育迟缓和体重不足明显高于女孩。此外;儿童年龄,居住,父母的正式教育状况,去产前诊所和腹泻成为导致研究区域儿童至少出现两种营养不足状况的主要危险因素。因此,应该努力改善饮用水的来源和父母的教育,预防和控制儿童疾病,实施针对孩子的年龄,居住和性别的干预措施,以及制定治疗性和补充性喂养计划。



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