首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology >Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among slaughtered pigs, cattle and goats for human consumption in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among slaughtered pigs, cattle and goats for human consumption in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso




Toxoplasmosis is a major foodborne infectious disease with substantial adverse impact on population health and economy. Human infection is usually secondary to the consumption of contaminated raw or undercooked meat. Recent studies have reported a high prevalence of the infection in slaughterhouse animals in sub-Saharan Africa but few data exist for Burkina Faso. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in animal from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. A total of 962 animal (including 423 pigs, 197 cattle and 342 goats) blood samples were collected in slaughterhouses in Bobo-Dioulasso between August 2013 and May 2014. Serum samples were tested for T. gondii antibody detection using the modified agglutination test (MAT). The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii was 28.8% in pigs, 13.2% in cattle and 34.8% in goats. Females animals were more infected than males. More than 60% of older animals (higher than 5 year-old animals) were infected. The study reported a high seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in pigs, cattle, and goats in Bobo-Dioulasso and is, therefore, of public health concern. The consumption of raw or undercooked meat should be regarded as an important risk factor for T. gondii infection in the study area. However further studies are needed to design appropriate control measures.
机译:弓形虫病是一种主要的食源性传染病,对人口健康和经济产生重大不利影响。食用受污染的生肉或未煮熟的肉通常会导致人类感染。最近的研究报道了撒哈拉以南非洲屠宰场动物的感染率很高,但布基纳法索的数据很少。这项研究的目的是评估布吉纳法索Bobo-Dioulasso的动物中弓形虫感染的患病率。 2013年8月至2014年5月间,在Bobo-Dioulasso的屠宰场中收集了962只动物(包括423头猪,197头牛和342只山羊)的血液样本。 )。弓形虫的总体血清阳性率在猪中为28.8%,在牛中为13.2%,在山羊中为34.8%。雌性动物比雄性动物感染更多。超过60%的老年动物(高于5岁的动物)被感染。该研究报道在Bobo-Dioulasso的猪,牛和山羊中,弓形虫的血清阳性率很高,因此引起了公众健康的关注。食用生的或未煮熟的肉应被视为研究区域刚地弓形虫感染的重要危险因素。但是,需要进一步的研究来设计适当的控制措施。



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