首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences >Effect of the Inclusion Nanocomplex Formed of Titanium Tetrafluoride and β-Cyclodextrin on Enamel Remineralization

Effect of the Inclusion Nanocomplex Formed of Titanium Tetrafluoride and β-Cyclodextrin on Enamel Remineralization




Objective: Titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) is a topical agent used in the control of dental caries; however, it is highly acidic. To minimize this effect, cyclodextrins (CDs) are used. This study evaluated the in vitro potential of TiF4 and β-CD on remineralization. Methods: Forty bovine enamel blocks were selected by microhardness and randomly assigned to four groups ( n = 10 per group): control (distilled and deionized water), 1% β-CD solution, 1% TiF4 solution, and TiF4: β-CD solution. The blocks were subjected to a pH cycling regimen for 8 days. After that, samples were evaluated by cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). Data were assessed for normality and analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). Results: Regarding CSMH, TiF4: β-CD was statistically superior to the control ( P = 0.033), β-CD ( P = 0.022), and TiF4 ( P = 0.006). SEM photomicrography revealed the titanium dioxide coating on slabs treated with TiF4 and TiF4: β-CD. EDS assessment demonstrated the presence of titanium on the surface of slabs treated with TiF4 and TiF4: β-CD. Conclusion: The solution containing the inclusion nanocomplex formed of TiF4 and β-CD was able to reharden the enamel subsurface. K EYWORDS : Beta-cyclodextrins , dental caries , fluoride , microhardness , tooth remineralization
机译:目的:四氟化钛(TiF 4 )是用于控制龋齿的局部用药。但是,它是高酸性的。为了使这种影响最小化,使用了环糊精(CD)。本研究评估了TiF 4 和β-CD的体外再矿化潜力。方法:按显微硬度选择40个牛牙釉质块,随机分为四组(每组n = 10):对照(蒸馏水和去离子水),1%β-CD溶液,1%TiF 4 TiF 4 :β-CD溶液。使块经受pH循环方案8天。之后,通过截面显微硬度(CSMH),扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能量色散光谱(EDS)评估样品。评估数据的正态性,并使用ANOVA和Tukey检验(α= 0.05)进行分析。结果:关于CSMH,TiF 4 :β-CD在统计学上优于对照组(P = 0.033),β-CD(P = 0.022)和TiF 4 ( P = 0.006)。 SEM显微照片显示了用TiF 4 和TiF 4 :β-CD处理的平板上的二氧化钛涂层。 EDS评估表明,用TiF 4 和TiF 4 :β-CD处理的平板表面存在钛。结论:含有TiF 4 和β-CD的纳米复合物的溶液能够重新固化牙釉质表面。关键词:β-环糊精,龋齿,氟化物,显微硬度,牙齿再矿化



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