首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics: Conference Series >Dynamic sharing of tape drives accessing scientific data

Dynamic sharing of tape drives accessing scientific data




The data management infrastructure operated at CNAF, the central computing and storage facility of INFN (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics), is based on both disk and tape storage resources. About 40 Petabytes of scientific data produced by LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN and other experiments in which INFN is involved are stored on tape. This is the highest latency storage tier within HSM (Hierarchical Storage Management) environment. Writing and reading requests on tape media are satisfied through a set of Oracle-StorageTek T10000D tape drives, shared among different scientific communities. In the next years, the usage of tape drives will become more intense not only due to the growing amount of scientific data to manage but also due to general trend to use tapes as "slow disk", announced by the main user communities. In order to reduce hardware purchases, a key point is to minimize the inactivity periods of tape drives. In this paper we present a software solution designed to optimize the efficiency of the shared usage of tape drives in our environment.
机译:在CNAF(INFN(意大利核物理研究所)的中央计算和存储设施)中运行的数据管理基础结构基于磁盘和磁带存储资源。 LHC(大强子对撞机)在CERN产生的大约40 PB的科学数据以及涉及INFN的其他实验都存储在磁带上。这是HSM(分层存储管理)环境中最高的延迟存储层。通过一组在不同科学界之间共享的Oracle-StorageTek T10000D磁带驱动器,可以满足对磁带介质的写入和读取请求。在接下来的几年中,磁带驱动器的使用将变得更加密集,这不仅是由于要管理的科学数据量不断增加,而且还由于主要用户群体宣布将磁带用作“慢速磁盘”的普遍趋势。为了减少购买的硬件,关键是要最小化磁带驱动器的不活动时间。在本文中,我们提出了一种软件解决方案,旨在优化我们环境中磁带机共享使用的效率。



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