首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports >Primary repair of long gap esophageal atresia in a neonate employing circular myotomy on upper pouch and a novel hemicircular myotomy on the distal pouch

Primary repair of long gap esophageal atresia in a neonate employing circular myotomy on upper pouch and a novel hemicircular myotomy on the distal pouch




IntroductionPure esophageal atresia (EA) with long gap between the pouches remains a challenge for primary repair. Several techniques to facilitate primary repair in long gap EA have been described: complete mobilization of proximal and/or distal esophageal pouch, single or double circular myotomies or spiral myotomy of upper pouch, circular myotomy of both upper and lower pouch, flaps raised from the upper pouch to bridge the gap and external traction sutures. Some of these techniques are not routinely performed for anatomical reasons or unfamiliarity with the technique. Complete mobilization of upper pouch with circular myotomy is standard and often favored approach. Complete mobilization of lower pouch with or without circular myotomy is described. It has a risk of impairing the blood supply to the lower pouch due to segmental nature of its blood supply. We present a novel case of primary repair of this defect using a circular myotomy on upper pouch along with a hemicircular myotomy of the lower pouch without complete circumferential mobilization of the lower esophageal pouch. This allowed adequate lengthening of the lower pouch without compromising its blood supply facilitating a minimal tension primary repair.CaseWe report the case of a 38 4/7 term infant with intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR) and Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with a long 4.5?cm gap pure esophageal atresia who was repaired aged 16 weeks. Per-operative gap assessment revealed the gap to more than 4 vertebral bodies. Even after complete mobilization of the upper esophageal pouch, a 2.5?cm (cm) gap persisted. The upper pouch was narrow and hence unsuitable to facilitate flap reconstruction. A single circular myotomy was performed on the upper esophageal pouch approximately 1?cm proximal to its blind end. The lower pouch was then mobilized, taking care that its blood supply was not compromised. This still left a one cm gap that was overcome by performing a hemicircular (180°) myotomy on the lower esophageal pouch approximately 1?cm away from the blind end. A tension free primary esophageal anastomosis was then performed. Post operatively patient developed a stricture which was dilated successfully to 12 Fr (4?mm). No other complications are reported.ConclusionHemicircular myotomy of the distal esophageal pouch can be employed successfully to achieve primary repair in cases of long gap esophageal atresia. This technique does not require full circumferential mobilization of lower pouch as required with full circular myotomy and has less risk of compromising blood supply to the distal esophageal pouch decreasing risks of anastomotic leak, failure and esophageal motility of lower pouch.
机译:简介单纯的食管闭锁(EA)和小袋之间的缝隙较长,仍然是进行初级修复的挑战。已经描述了几种在长间隙EA中促进一级修复的技术:完全动员近端和/或远端食管囊,单或双环形肌切开术或上囊螺旋肌切开术,上下囊圆形肌切开术,从皮瓣抬高的皮瓣上袋可桥接间隙和外部牵引线。这些技术中的某些由于解剖学原因或对该技术不熟悉而无法常规执行。圆肌切开术可完全动员上囊,这是标准方法,通常是首选方法。描述了在有或没有环形肌切开术的情况下下部囊的完全动员。由于其血液供应的分段性质,因此有可能损害下部小袋的血液供应。我们提出了一种新的病例,该疾病的主要修复方法是在上部小袋上进行圆形肌切开术,同时对下部小袋进行半圆形肌切开术,而无需对下部食管小袋进行完全的周向动员。这使得下囊袋能够充分延长,而不会损害其血液供应,从而不会对基础张力进行最小程度的修复。长4.5?cm的纯食管闭锁,年龄16周,已修复。手术间隙评估显示与4个以上椎体的间隙。即使完全动员了食管上囊,仍存在2.5?cm(cm)的间隙。上囊较窄,因此不适合皮瓣重建。在上食管囊的盲端附近约1?cm处进行单次环形肌切开术。然后动员下部小袋,注意其血液供应不会受到损害。这仍然留下了一个1厘米的缝隙,该缝隙可以通过在距离盲端约1?cm的下食管囊进行半圆形(180°)肌切开术来克服。然后进行无张力的原发性食管吻合术。术后病人出现狭窄,狭窄成功地扩大到了12 Fr(4?mm)。没有其他并发症的报道。结论远端食管囊半圆形肌切开术可成功用于长间隙食管闭锁的初步修复。该技术不需要完整环形肌切开术所需的下部小袋的全部周向动员,并且危害到食管远端小袋的血液供应受到损害的风险较小,从而降低了下部小袋的吻合口漏,衰竭和食道活动性的风险。



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