首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physiotherapy >A 2-year physical activity program for sedentary older adults does not improve cognitive functioning more than a health education program [commentary]

A 2-year physical activity program for sedentary older adults does not improve cognitive functioning more than a health education program [commentary]




Summary of: Sink KM, Espeland MA, Castro CM, Church T, Cohen R, Dodson JA, et al. Effect of a 24-month physical activity intervention vs health education on cognitive outcomes in sedentary older adults: the LIFE randomized trial. JAMA. 2015;314:781-790. Question: Does a physical activity program result in better cognitive function than a health education program in sedentary older adults living in the community? Design: Randomised, controlled trial with concealed allocation and blinded assessment. Setting: Eight community centres in the United States of America. Participants: The study included sedentary men and women, aged 70 to 89 years, who were at risk of mobility disability but were able to walk 400 m. The key exclusion criterion was having a diagnosis of dementia or significant cognitive impairment based on the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination score. Randomisation of 1635 parti- cipants allocated 818 to the physical activity group and 817 to the health education group. Interventions: The physical activity group participated in a 24-month program of twice-weekly, centre-based sessions of up to 30 minutes of moderate intensity walking, 10 minutes of lower limb resistance training, and 10 minutes of balance and flexibility exercises. In addition, the physical activity group were prescribed home exercises 3 to 4 times per week. The health education group attended weekly sessions for 26 weeks and monthly sessions thereafter. Sessions consisted of presentations, demonstrations or field trips. Outcome measures: The primary outcomes for this report were cognitive outcomes assessed at baseline and 24 months. Cognitive outcomes included the Digital Symbol Coding task (scored from 0 to 133 points) and the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (scored from 0 to 12 words). Secondary1836-9553/ 2016 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by Elsevier B creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).outcome measures included executive function (measured with three tasks to assess speed of processing and executive function on a laptop computer), a composite global function score, and the incidence of mild cognitive impairment or dementia at 24 months. Results: A total of 1476 participants (90%) completed the study. Median attendance at physical activity sessions was 71%. At 24 months, there were no between-group differences for the Digital Symbol Coding Task (MD C0.01 points, 95% CI C0.80 to 0.77) or the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test for delayed word recall (MD C0.03 words, 95% CI C0.29 to 0.24) or immediate word recall (MD C0.14 words, 95% CI C0.58 to 0.29). There were no between-group differences for global and executive function measures, although sub-group analyses indicated benefits in executive function associated with physical activity for those aged at least 80 years and for those scoring<8 on the Short Physical Performance Battery. There was no difference in the incidence of mild cognitive impairment or dementia between the physical activity group (13.2%) and the health education group (12.1%) (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.46). Conclusion: A 24-month physical activity program for older sedentary adults did not improve cognitive functioning compared with a health education program. Provenance: Invited. Not peer reviewed. Nicholas Taylor Associate Editor, Journal of Physiotherapy http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2015.12.008.
机译:摘要:Sink KM,Espeland MA,Castro CM,Church T,Cohen R,Dodson JA等。 24个月体育锻炼干预与健康教育对久坐久坐的成年人认知结局的影响:LIFE随机试验。贾玛2015; 314:781-790。问题:在社区中久坐的久坐的成年人,参加体育锻炼计划是否比健康教育计划产生更好的认知功能?设计:随机对照试验,采用隐蔽分配和盲法评估。地点:美利坚合众国的八个社区中心。参加者:该研究包括70至89岁的久坐不动的男女,他们有行动不便的危险,但能够行走400 m。关键的排除标准是根据改良的迷你精神状态检查评分对痴呆或重大认知障碍进行诊断。 1635名参与者的随机分组将818分配给了体育活动组,并将817分配给了健康教育组。干预措施:体育锻炼小组参加了一个为期24个月的计划,该计划每周两次,以中枢为基础,每次进行30分钟的中等强度步行,10分钟的下肢阻力训练以及10分钟的平衡和柔韧性练习。此外,体育锻炼小组每周要开3至4次家庭锻炼。健康教育小组每周参加为期26周的课程,此后每月参加一次。会议包括演讲,示范或实地考察。成果指标:本报告的主要成果是在基线和24个月评估的认知成果。认知结果包括数字符号编码任务(得分为0至133分)和霍普金斯语言学习测验(得分为0至12个字)。 Secondary1836-9553 / 2016澳大利亚物理治疗协会。由Elsevier B creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/发行。结果包括执行功能(通过三项任务评估笔记本电脑的处理速度和执行功能),综合全球功能得分,以及24个月时轻度认知障碍或痴呆的发生率。结果:共有1476名参与者(90%)完成了研究。参加体育锻炼的中位数为71%。在24个月时,数字符号编码任务(MD C0.01分,95%CI C0.80至0.77)或霍普金斯言语学习测验的延迟单词召回(MD C0.03个单词, 95%CI C0.29到0.24)或立即单词回忆(MD C0.14字,95%CI C0.58到0.29)。尽管子组分析表明,对于至少80岁的人和在短期体能表上得分<8的人,与体育锻炼相关的执行功能受益,但全球和执行机能指标的组间差异没有。体力活动组(13.2%)和健康教育组(12.1%)之间的轻度认知障碍或痴呆的发生率没有差异(OR 1.08,95%CI 0.80至1.46)。结论:与健康教育计划相比,针对久坐的成年人的24个月体育锻炼计划没有改善认知功能。出处:邀请。没有同行评审。 Nicholas Taylor物理疗法杂志副编辑http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2015.12.008



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