首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physiotherapy >Daily feedback from accelerometers increases time spent walking outside of therapy for patients in post-acute care rehabilitation [synopsis]

Daily feedback from accelerometers increases time spent walking outside of therapy for patients in post-acute care rehabilitation [synopsis]




Summary of: Peel NM, Paul SK, Cameron ID, Crotty M, Kurrie SE, Grey activity goals. The control group received usual care including setting LC. Promoting activity in geriatric rehabilitation: a randomized mobility goals but neither staff nor Fp$ITD[D2F0_] articipants received their accel- controlled trial of accelerometry. PLoS One 2016;11:e0160906. erometer data on walking times to aid the setting of walking time Question: Does providing data about daily physical activity to targets. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was walking time patients and clinicians improve the time spent walking by patients per day, in minutes, within and outside therapy sessions over a 4- in post-acute care rehabilitation? Design: Randomised, controlled week period. Secondary outcome measures were lower extremity trial with concealed allocation. Setting: Three post-acute care geriat- function, quality of life, discharge destination and hospital readmis- ric rehabilitation or geriatric evaluation and management units in sions within 28 days. Results: A total of 255 participants completed Australia. Participants: Inclusion criteria were patients: admitted for the study. At the end of the 4-week monitoring period, the average post-acute DF[D1T3$_IF]care rehabilitation, aged 60 years, who had an expected walking time per day outside therapy sessions was significantly more length of stay of at least 2 weeks, F1I4]_DTD[aF$ nd who were able to ambulate in the FDe2T$I]1F[_D xperimental group by 7 minutes (95% CI 3 to I2_FT1D2$]DF[ 1). The average independently or with supervision/assistance, [_15T$DDFIF]or who had a rehabili- walking time per day within therapy sessions was also significantly tation goal to become ambulant during their admission. Exclusion more in the [2$e1]TFDFDI_ xperimental group by 0.7 minutes (95% CI 0.1 to 1.3). The criteria were: lower limb amputation, delirium/agitated dementia, or groups did not significantly differ for any of the secondary outcomes. not expected to walk within 4 weeks of admission. Randomisation of Conclusion: Daily feedback from accelerometer data to participants 270 participants allocated 135 to receive daily feedback on walking and therapists on time spent walking increased walking times during time and 135 to a usual[16-_FTDDF$]I care control group. post-acute care rehabilitation. Objective monitoring of physical ac-Interventions: The DTF1IF[_]D$7 experimental group participants and their therapists received daily tivity can provide therapists with clinically important information feedback fromaccelerometers on the time spentwalking the previous about walking time to assist with mobility goal setting. day outside of therapy. Together, ]DF$D8FTp1[I_ articipants in the experimental [95% CIs calculated by the CAP Editor.] group and their therapists set mobility goals including targets for daily walking time. Goals were reviewed weekly and modified to Provenance: Invited. Not peer rFIF]D_T32D[$ eviewed. motivate the participant to improve incidental activity levels outside Nora ShieldsT_D9$F1FI[D] of therapy sessions and reach set targets. Walking time data were 1$DDT[_SIF1]F chool of Allied Health, La Trobe University and Northern Health, made available at weekly case conferences. Staff were trained to use Australia accelerometry data and asked to encourage 20TIDF$FD]p[_ articipants tomeet their http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.02.004.
机译:摘要:Peel NM,Paul SK,Cameron ID,Crotty M,Kurrie SE和Gray活动目标。对照组接受常规护理,包括设置LC。在老年康复中促进活动:随机的流动目标,但工作人员和Fp $ ITD [D2F0_]参与者均未接受加速计的加速对照试验。 PLoS One 2016; 11:e0160906。关于步行时间的健身数据,以帮助设定步行时间问题:是否向目标提供有关日常身体活动的数据。结果指标:主要结果是步行时间,患者和临床医生在急性护理后的康复过程中,每天在几分钟内,在治疗过程中和在治疗过程之外,将患者每天花费的步行时间提高4倍?设计:随机,受控的每周期间。次要结果指标为下肢试验,隐藏式分配。地点:28天之内,三个急性护理老年病功能,生活质量,出院地点以及医院的综合康复或老年病评估和管理部门。结果:共有255名参与者完成了澳大利亚。参与者:入选标准为患者:接受研究。在为期4周的监视期结束时,平均60岁的急性DF [D1T3 $ _IF]术后护理康复时间,每天在治疗疗程外的预期步行时间明显长于至少2周,F1I4] _DTD [aF $ nd能够在FDe2T $ I] 1F [_D实验组中移动7分钟(95%CI 3到I2_FT1D2 $] DF [1]。在治疗过程中,每天独立或有监督/协助的平均水平[_15T $ DDFIF]或每天有康复时间的患者,也很重要的目标是在入院时成为救护车。在[2 $ e1] TFDFDI_实验组中排除了0.7分钟(95%CI为0.1至1.3)。标准是:下肢截肢,del妄/躁动性痴呆,或各组继发性结局无明显差异。预计入院后4周内不能走路。结论的随机化:来自加速度计数据的每日反馈给参与者270名参与者分配了135来接受步行的每日反馈,并且治疗师就步行所花费的时间增加了步行时间,并且将135反馈给了一个普通的[16-_FTDDF $] I护理对照组。急性护理后康复。客观监测物理干预:DTF1IF [_] D $ 7实验组参与者及其治疗师每天接受推定,可以从加速计向治疗师提供临床上重要的信息反馈,帮助他们了解以前步行所花费的时间,以帮助制定行动目标。治疗以外的一天。 ] DF $ D8FTp1 [I_实验参与者[由CAP编辑器计算的95%CI]和他们的治疗师共同设定了移动目标,包括每日步行时间的目标。每周都会审查目标,并将其修改为“来源:已邀请”。未查看对等rFIF] D_T32D [$。激励参与者提高Nora ShieldsT_D9 $ F1FI [D]治疗疗程之外的附带活动水平,并达到既定目标。步行时间的数据是联合健康,拉筹伯大学和北方健康的1 $ DDT [_SIF1] F合唱,在每周的例会上提供。工作人员接受了使用澳大利亚加速度计数据的培训,并被要求鼓励20TIDF $ FD] p [_参与者参加他们的http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2017.02.004。



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