首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Palaeogeography >Paleosols of the upper Paleozoic Sangre de Cristo Formation, north-central New Mexico: Record of early Permian palaeoclimate in tropical Pangaea

Paleosols of the upper Paleozoic Sangre de Cristo Formation, north-central New Mexico: Record of early Permian palaeoclimate in tropical Pangaea

机译:新墨西哥州中北部上古生界Sangre de Cristo组的古土壤:热带Pangea的早二叠世古气候记录



Abstract The lower Permian (Wolfcampian) Sangre de Cristo Formation of northern New Mexico consists of silty mudstones and laterally discontinuous sandstones deposited on an aggrading alluvial plain. Locally, mudstones display a variety of pedogenic features. Common mudstone fabrics vary from platy to prismatic; some beds display prominent pedogenic slickensides. Drab-colored root traces are common throughout the section, as are calcareous nodules, which vary from small bodies with diffuse boundaries to vertically stacked, discrete, cm-scale nodules (rhizocretions), and less commonly form coalescing horizons. Vertisols occur only in the lower portion of the ca. 90-m measured section. Most of the mudstone beds contain calcretes that are immature (calcic Protosols to calcic Argillisols), but the lower to middle portion of the section also contains mature calcrete horizons (argillic Calcisols and Calcisols). Intercalated micritic limestone beds with sharp contacts containing root traces, are of laterally variable thickness and grade to nodular calcretes. These are interpreted as floodplain pond carbonates that have undergone pedogenic alteration (palustrine limestones), indicating long periods of exposure under strongly seasonal climatic conditions. The isotopic composition of the pedogenic carbonate displays a substantial range of values, but most of the range of variation in isotopic composition is accounted for by isotopically heavier carbonate (both carbon and oxygen) precipitated in shallow ponds subject to intense pedogenic reworking (palustrine carbonate). During the early Permian, northern New Mexico was situated in a near equatorial position (ca. 4° N). The overall character of the paleosols suggests a persistent warm, semi-humid, seasonal climate throughout most of the interval of deposition during the Wolfcampian, but with episodically increased aridity during formation of the more mature calcretes. No long-term trend of climate change is evident in the stratigraphic section examined for this study.
机译:摘要新墨西哥州北部的下二叠统(Wolfcampian)Sangre de Cristo地层由粉质泥岩和横向不连续的砂岩组成,沉积在一个逐渐堆积的冲积平原上。在局部,泥岩表现出多种成岩特征。普通的泥岩织物从板状到棱柱形不等。一些病床显示出明显的成岩滑质。钙绿色根瘤遍及整个区域,呈褐色,根部痕迹从具有弥散边界的小物体到垂直堆叠,离散,厘米级的根瘤(根瘤形成)不等,形成汇聚层的可能性较小。淤泥仅出现在ca的下部。 90米的测量截面。大多数泥岩床含有未成熟的钙质(钙质原生质溶胶至钙质Argillisols钙质),但该断面的下部至中部也包含成熟的钙质层位(泥质钙质溶胶和钙质溶胶)。夹层的微粉状石灰岩层具有尖锐的接触,含有根迹,其横向变化的厚度和等级为结节状的碎屑。这些被解释为洪泛平原的池塘碳酸盐,经历了成岩作用的改变(古碱石灰石),表明在强烈的季节性气候条件下长期暴露。成岩碳酸盐的同位素组成显示出很大的数值范围,但同位素组成的大部分变化范围是由沉积在浅池中的同位素较重的碳酸盐(碳和氧)共同造成的,该浅水池经过强烈的成岩作用后再加工(碳酸盐) 。在二叠纪早期,新墨西哥州北部处于赤道附近(北纬4°)。古土壤的总体特征表明,在沃尔夫坎普期的大部分沉积期中,持续存在温暖,半湿润的季节性气候,但在形成较成熟的碎屑的过程中干旱明显增加。在这项研究中检查的地层部分没有明显的气候变化的长期趋势。



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