首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Palaeogeography >Palynology and stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Chad Formation, Bornu Basin, northeastern Nigeria

Palynology and stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene Chad Formation, Bornu Basin, northeastern Nigeria




Abstract Both lithological and palynological analyses were employed to decipher sedimentary stacking patterns and to date the sediments within the interval 50–325?m in Kemar-1 well, Bornu Basin, northeastern Nigeria. Eight different lithofacies units deposited in various environments were recognized. They are: (1) the grayish sandy claystone, rich in organic matter and associated with lignite, deposited in a continental to lacustrine environment; (2) the micaceous claystone, rich in muscovite flakes and organic matter, deposited in a lacustrine environment; (3) the lithified claystone which intercalates the dark gray shale, and deposited in a marine setting; (4) the shale; (5) the micaceous sandstone, which is characterized by presence of muscovite, silty to granular grain sizes, well sorted and deposited in a meandering setting; (6) the poorly-sorted sandstone. It is poorly sorted, poorly-graded, and coarse-grained, with erosive surfaces to underlying facies, and deposited in a fluvial environment; (7) the heterolithic clayey sandstone, poorly graded, grayish, with a degree of organic richness, suggesting an anoxic lacustrine environment; and (8) the grayish claystone which is non-lithic and rarely ferruginized marking the Upper Miocene/Eocene boundary. One main palynological zone, i.e., the Echitricolporites spinosus assemblage zone, has been established. The base of the studied section at 385?m is characterized by the last up-hole occurrence of Grimsdalea magnaclavata suggestive of Eocene boundary while the overlying sediments are characterized by Late Miocene marker species such as E. spinosus, Elaeis guineensis, Anthocerus sp., Nymphaea lotus, and Retistephanocolpites gracilis. The Chad Formation is dated as Late Miocene age unconformably overlying the Eocene Kerri-Kerri Formation which indicated that the Chad Formation was probably deposited during an alternation of lacustrine and continental settings, due to climatic change.
机译:摘要运用岩性和孢粉学分析方法,对尼日利亚东北部博尔努盆地的Kemar-1井中50-325μm范围内的沉积物堆积模式进行了测定,并确定了其沉积日期。识别出沉积在各种环境中的八个不同的岩相单元。它们是:(1)灰白色的砂质粘土,富含有机质,与褐煤伴生,沉积在大陆到湖相环境中; (2)沉积在湖相环境中的云母质黏土,富含白云母薄片和有机质; (3)插在深灰色页岩中并沉积在海洋环境中的石化粘土岩; (4)页岩; (5)云母砂岩,其特征是白云母存在,粉质至颗粒状,分选并曲折沉积。 (6)砂岩分类不良。它的分类不当,分级不佳,粒度粗糙,表面下层具有侵蚀性表面,并沉积在河流环境中。 (7)异质粘土质砂岩,品位差,带灰色,有机质富集,提示缺氧湖相环境。 (8)浅灰色粘土岩,是非石质的,很少经过铁素化,标志着中新世/始新世的边界。已经建立了一个主要的孢粉学区,即棘孢棘孢菌组合区。所研究断面的底部为385?m,其特征是最后一次在井上出现Grimsdalea magnaclavata,暗示了始新世的边界,而上覆的沉积物的特征是中新世晚期的标记物,例如E. spinosus,Elaeis guineensis,Anthocerus sp。,睡莲莲花,和Retistephanocolpites gracilis。乍得组的年代为中新世晚期,不符合上新世可可-可里组,这表明乍得组可能是由于气候变化而在湖相和大陆环境交替期间沉积的。



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