首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India >Vitamin D3 Level in Women with Uterine Fibroid: An Observational Study in Eastern Indian Population

Vitamin D3 Level in Women with Uterine Fibroid: An Observational Study in Eastern Indian Population




Purpose Vitamin D deficiency has been proposed to be a risk factor in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroid in few recently published studies conducted in Europe and Africa. Nevertheless, no study has ever addressed similar query in Indian women where hypovitaminosis is very common. Methods A total of 144 women of age group 20–50?years belonging to Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India, were included in the study. Out of which, 72 women had uterine fibroids and rest healthy women without fibroids served as controls. All women were subjected to ultrasound examination of uterus followed by measurement of serum FSH level (on 3rd day of menstruation) and serum vitamin D3. Results The mean serum concentration of vitamin D3 was significantly lower in women with uterine fibroids compared to controls (10.81?±?6.18 vs. 22.91?±?16.18, p ?0.0001). On further analysis, 62.5% of cases were found to be severely deficient (vitamin D3??10?ng/mL) as compared to 26.39% of controls ( p ?0.0001). Besides that, only 2.77% of cases had sufficient vitamin D level as compared to 23.61% of controls ( p =?0.0002). The odds ratio (OR) of occurrence of fibroid with serum vitamin D3 level of ?10?ng/dl was 4.64 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.28–9.44) ( p =?0.0001). Conclusion Serum vitamin D3 level inversely correlated with burden of uterine fibroid and possibly its deficiency is a risk factor for uterine fibroid occurrence in eastern part of India.
机译:目的在欧洲和非洲最近进行的几项研究中,维生素D缺乏症已被提出是子宫肌瘤发病机理的危险因素。然而,在维生素缺乏症很常见的印度妇女中,没有研究解决过类似的问题。方法纳入印度Jharkhand的Jamshedpur的144位年龄在20-50岁的年龄组女性。其中有72名妇女有子宫肌瘤,其余无肌瘤的健康妇女作为对照。所有妇女均接受子宫超声检查,然后测量血清FSH水平(月经第3天)和血清维生素D3。结果子宫肌瘤女性的平均血清维生素D3浓度明显低于对照组(10.81±±6.18 vs. 22.91±±16.18,p <0.0001)。经过进一步分析,发现62.5%的病例严重缺乏(维生素D3α<?10?ng / mL),而对照组为26.39%(p <?0.0001)。除此之外,与对照组的23.61%相比,只有2.77%的患者具有足够的维生素D水平(p =?0.0002)。血清维生素D3水平为?10?ng / dl的肌瘤发生的比值比(OR)为4.64(95%置信区间[CI] 2.28-9.44)(p =?0.0001)。结论血清维生素D3水平与子宫肌瘤负担成反比,可能缺乏是印度东部子宫肌瘤发生的危险因素。



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